Matlog: Logistics Engineering Matlab Toolbox
Version 17 26-Jul-2020
ala | - Alternate location-allocation procedure |
alaplot | - Plot ALA iterations |
minisumloc | - Continuous minisum facility location |
pmedian | - Hybrid algorithm for p-median location |
randX | - Random generation of new points |
sumcost | - Determine total cost of new facilities |
ufladd | - Add construction procedure |
ufldrop | - Drop construction procedure |
ufl | - Hybrid algorithm for uncapacitated facility location |
uflxchg | - Exchange best improvement procedure |
aggshmt | - Aggregate multiple shipments |
maxpayld | - Determine maximum payload |
plotshmt | - Plot shipments |
rateLTL | - Determine estimated LTL rate |
mincharge | - Minimum transport charge for TL, LTL, or multistop route |
minTLC | - Minimum total logistics cost comparing TL and LTL |
totlogcost | - Calculate total logistics cost |
transcharge | - Transport charge for TL and LTL |
checkrte | - Check if valid route vector |
drte | - Convert destination in route to negative value |
isorigin | - Identify origin of each shipment in route |
loccost | - Calculate location sequence cost |
insertimprove | - Insert with improvement for route construction |
mincostinsert | - Min cost insertion of route i into route j |
pairwisesavings | - Calculate pairwise savings |
rte2idx | - Convert route to route index vector |
rte2ldmx | - Convert route vector to load-mix cell array |
rte2loc | - Convert route to location vector |
rtesegid | - Identify shipments in each segment of route |
rtesegsum | - Cumulative sum over each segment of route |
rtenorm | - Normalize route vector |
rteTC | - Total cost of route |
savings | - Savings procedure for route construction |
sh2rte | - Create routes for shipments not in existing routes |
twoopt | - 2-optimal exchange procedure for route improvement |
combineloc | - Combine non-overlapping location sequences |
locTC | - Calculate total cost of location sequences |
sfcpos | - Compute position of points along 2-D spacefilling curve |
tspchinsert | - Convex hull insertion algorithm for TSP construction |
tspnneighbor | - Nearest neighbor algorithm for TSP construction |
tspspfillcur | - Spacefilling curve algorithm for TSP construction |
tsp2opt | - 2-optimal exchange procedure for TSP improvement |
vrpcrossover | - Crossover procedure for VRP improvement |
vrpexchange | - Two-vertex exchange procedure for VRP improvement |
vrpinsert | - Insertion algorithm for VRP construction |
vrpsavings | - Clark-Wright savings algorithm for VRP construction |
vrpsweep | - Gillett-Miller sweep algorithm for VRP construction |
vrptwout | - Generate output VRP with time windows |
addconnector | - Add connector from new location to transport. network |
adj2incid | - Convert weighted adjacency matrix to incidence matric |
adj2lev | - Convert weighted adjacency to weighted interlevel matrix |
adj2list | - Convert weighted adjacency matrix to arc list |
dijk | - Shortest paths using Dijkstra algorithm |
dijkdemo | - Demonstrate Dijkstra's algorithm to find shortest path |
gtrans | - Greedy heuristic for the transportation problem |
lev2adj | - Convert weighted interlevel to weighted adjacency matrix |
lev2list | - Weighted interlevel to arc list representation |
incid2list | - Convert node-arc incidence matrix to arc list |
list2adj | - Convert arc list to weighted adjacency matrix |
list2incid | - Convert arc list to incidence matrix |
lp2mcnf | - Convert LP solution to MCNF arc and node flows |
mcnf2lp | - Convert minimum cost network flow to LP model |
minspan | - Minimum weight spanning tree using Kruskal algorithm |
pred2path | - Convert predecessor indices to shortest path |
loc2listidx | - Find indices of loc seq segments in arc list |
subgraph | - Create subgraph from graph |
thin | - Thin degree-two nodes from graph |
trans | - Transportation and assignment problems |
tri2adj | - Triangle indices to adjacency matrix representation |
tri2list | - Convert triangle indices to arc list representation |
trineighbors | - Find neighbors of a triangle |
destloc | - Destination location from starting location |
fipsnum2alpha | - Convert numeric state FIPS code to alphabetic |
invproj | - Inverse Mercator projection |
lonlat2city | - Determine nearest city given a location |
makemap | - Create projection plot of World or US |
normlonlat | - Convert longitude and latitude to normal form |
proj | - Mercator projection |
binaryorder | - Binary ordering of machine-part matrix |
loc2W | - Converts routings to weight matrix |
sdpi | - Steepest descent pairwise interchange heuristic for QAP |
dists | - Metric distances between vectors of points |
gantt | - Gantt chart |
lplog | - Matlog linear programming solver |
milplog | - Matlog mixed-integer linear programming solver |
Milp | - Mixed-integer linear programming model |
pplot | - Projection plot |
arcang | - Arc angles (in degrees) from xy to XY |
argmax | - Indices of maximum component |
argmin | - Indices of minimum component |
argsort | - Indices of sort in ascending order |
boundrect | - Bounding rectangle of XY points |
cell2padmat | - Convert cell array of vectors to NaN-padded matrix |
deletelntag | - Delete last tagged line objects from plot |
editcellstr | - Edit or create a cell array of strings |
file2cellstr | - Convert file to cell array |
findXY | - Find XY points in rectangle |
fixseq | - Fixed sequence proportional to percentage of demand |
getfile | - Download file from Internet and save local copy |
grect | - Get rectangular region in current axes |
idx2is | - Convert index vector to n-element logical vector |
iff | - Conditional operator as a function |
in2out | - Convert variable number of inputs to outputs |
idxkey | - Create index key to array from unique integer values |
inputevaldlg | - Input dialog with evaluation of values |
invperm | - Inverse permutation |
isinrect | - Are XY points in rectangle |
isint | - True for integer elements (within tolerance) |
is0 | - True for zero elements (within tolerance) |
loaddatafile | - Common code for data file functions |
mand | - Multiple AND with real or cellstr vector pairs |
matlogupdate | - Automatically download updates to Matlog files |
mat2vec | - Convert columns of matrix to vectors |
mdisp | - Display matrix |
mor | - Multiple OR with each element of real or cellstr vector |
num2cellstr | - Create cell array of strings from numerical vector |
optstructchk | - Validate 'opt' structure |
padmat2cell | - Convert rows of NaN-padded matrix to cell array |
pauseplot | - Drawnow and then pause after plotting |
projtick | - Project tick marks on projected axes |
randreorder | - Random re-ordering of an array |
sdisp | - Display structure vector with all scalar field values |
struct2scalar | - Remove non-scalar values from structure vector |
subsetstruct | - Extract subset of each field of a structure |
sub | - Create subarray |
varnames | - Convert input to cell arrays of variable name and value |
vec2struct | - Add each element in vector to field in structure array |
vdisp | - Display vectors |
wtbinselect | - Weighted binary selection |
wtrand | - Weighted random number |
wtrandperm | - Weighted random permutation |
wtrouselect | - Weighted roulette selection |
xls2struct | - Convert Excel database to structure array |
mapdata | - Data for maps of the World, US, and North Carolina |
nccity | - North Carolina cities with populations of at least 10k |
uscenblkgrp | - US census block group data |
uscity | - US cities data |
uscity10k | - US cities with populations of at least 10,000 data |
uscity50k | - US cities with populations of at least 50,000 data |
uscounty | - US county data |
usrdlink | - US highway network links data |
usrdnode | - US highway network nodes data |
uszip3 | - US 3-digit ZIP code data |
uszip5 | - US 5-digit ZIP code data |
vrpnc1 | - Christofiles' VRP problem 1 data |
vrpsolrc101 | - Soloman's VRP with Time Windows problem RC101 data |
Add connector from new location to transportation network
[IJC11,IJC12,IJC22] = addconnector(XY1,XY2,IJC2,p,cir,thresh) XY1 = m1 x 2 matrix of m1 new location longitude-latitude pairs (in decimal degrees) XY2 = m2 x 2 matrix of longitude-latitude pairs of original network nodes (in decimal degrees) IJC2 = n2 x 3 matrix arc list of original network p = distance parameter for DISTS, should be in same units as the distances in IJC2 = 'mi', default, great circle distance in statute miles cir = circuity factor (between 1 and 2) for connectors that represents the expected increase in arc distance compared to DISTS distance = 1.50, default thresh = threshold (between 0 and 1) to only add arc to closest node in original network (if ratio of distance from new location to closest node and to second closest node is less than threshold) = 0.10, default = 0 => don't consider threshold = 1 => only add arc to closest node IJC11 = 3-column matrix arc list of connectors between new locations IJC12 = 3-column matrix arc list of connectors from new location to original nodes IJC22 = 3-column matrix arc list of modified original network, where arc [i j] becomes [i+m1 j+m1] Examples: % 3 new nodes connected to 4 original nodes (Euclidean arc distances) XY1 = [2 1; 5 -1]; XY2 = [0 0; 4 3; 4 -3; 8 0]; IJC2 = [1 2 5; 1 3 5; 2 4 5; 3 4 5]; [IJC11,IJC12,IJC22] = addconnector(XY1,XY2,IJC2,2) pplot(IJC11,XY1,'r-') pplot(IJC12,[XY1; XY2],'g-') pplot(IJC22,[XY1; XY2],'b-') % Connect cites around Raleigh, NC to road network xy1xy2 = [-79 35.5; -78 36]; [XY,IJD] = subgraph(usrdnode('XY'),isinrect(usrdnode('XY'),xy1xy2),... usrdlink('IJD')); [Name,XYcity] = uscity10k('Name','XY',isinrect(uscity10k('XY'),xy1xy2)); [IJD11,IJD12,IJD22] = addconnector(XYcity,XY,IJD); makemap(XY) pplot(IJD11,XYcity,'r-') pplot(IJD12,[XYcity; XY],'g-') pplot(IJD22,[XYcity; XY],'b-') pplot(XYcity,'k.') pplot(XYcity,Name) Note: (1) Arc between a new location and the node in the original network is added to the combined network when the great circle distance times circuity factor is less than shortest distance between the locations in remainder of network. Nodes considered are those defining the location's triangle (using DELAUNAY) and, if not a triangle node, the closest node to the location (using DISTS). (2) Single connector arc from new location to closest node in original network if distance < thresh x distance to second closest node; connectors to other new locations added only their distance x thresh <= distance of shortest connector. (3) Arc between two new locations in the same or adjacent triangles is added to combined network when the great circle distance times circuity factor is less than shortest distance between the locations in remainder of network. (4) Arc between new locations outside the convex hull of XY2 added to any new location that is one of the three closest nodes to the location.
Node-node weighted adjacency matrix to node-arc incidence matrix
[I,c] = adj2incid(A) A = m x m node-node weighted adjacency matrix of arc lengths I = m x n node-arc incidence matrix c = n-element vector of arc weights (nonzero elements of A) Note: A(i,j) = 0 => Arc (i,j) does not exist A(i,j) = NaN => Arc (i,j) exists with 0 weight All A(i,j) = A(j,i) => A is symmetric => all undirected arcs in I Wrapper for [I,c] = LIST2INCID(ADJ2LIST(A)) I is column major relative to A for speed purposes Examples: A = [0 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 0] [I,c] = adj2incid(A) % I = -1 1 0 c = 3 0 -1 -1 1 1 0 1 2 A = [0 1 0 % Arc (3,1) has 0 weight 0 0 0 NaN 2 0] [I,c] = adj2incid(A) % I = -1 1 0 c = 0 0 -1 -1 1 1 0 1 2 A = [0 1 3 % A is symmetric 1 0 2 3 2 0] [I,c] = adj2incid(A) % I = 1 1 0 c = 1 1 0 1 3 0 1 1 2 See also LIST2INCID, LIST2ADJ, and ADJ2LIST
Weighted adjacency to weighted interlevel matrix representation
C = adj2lev(A,m) [C12,C23,...] = adj2lev(A,m) A = SUM(m) x SUM(m) node-node wt. adjacency matrix of arc lengths = (SUM(m) x t) x (SUM(m) x t) matrix, t > 1, if multiple periods m = [m1 m2 m3 ...], vector of number of nodes at each level, where C = {C12,C23,...}, cell array of weighted interlevel matrices Cij = mi x mj matrix from level i to level j = mi x mj x t matrix, t > 1, if multiple periods mi = number of nodes in level i t = number of periods Examples: A = [0 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0] C = adj2lev(A,[1 2]) % (1 period C = 3 4 % 2 levels) A = blkdiag(A,2*A) C = adj2lev(A,[1 2]) % (2 periods C(:,:,1) = 3 4 % 2 levels) C(:,:,2) = 6 8 A = [0 3 4 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0] [C12,C23] = adj2lev(A,[1 2 1]) % (1 period C12 = 3 4 % 3 levels) C23 = 5 6 See also LEV2ADJ
Node-node weighted adjacency matrix to arc list representation
IJC = adj2list(A) [i,j,c] = adj2list(A) A = m x m node-node weighted adjacency matrix of arc lengths IJC = n x 2-3 matrix arc list [i j c], where i = n-element vector of arc tails nodes j = n-element vector of arc head nodes c = n-element vector of arc weights Note: All A(i,j) = A(j,i) => [i -j c] (symmetric A) A(i,j) = 0 => Arc (i,j) does not exist A(i,j) = NaN => Arc (i,j) exists with 0 weight Wrapper for [i,j,c] = FIND(C); c(ISNAN(c)) = 0) Examples: A = [0 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 0] IJC = adj2list(A) % IJC = 3 1 3 % 1 2 1 % 3 2 2 A = [0 1 0 % Arc (3,1) has 0 weight 0 0 0 NaN 2 0] IJC = adj2list(A) % IJC = 3 1 0 % 1 2 1 % 3 2 2 A = [0 1 3 % A is symmetric 1 0 2 3 2 0] IJC = adj2list(A) % IJC = 1 -2 1 % 1 -3 3 % 2 -3 2 See also LIST2INCID, LIST2ADJ, and ADJ2INCID
Aggregate multiple shipments
shagg = aggshmt(sh) = aggshmt(sh,dof) sh = structure array with fields: .f = annual demand (tons/yr) .q = single shipment weight (tons) .s = shipment density (lb/ft^3) .v = shipment value ($/ton) .h = annual holding cost fraction (1/yr) .a = inventory 0-D fraction dof = use "f" unless field missing = true, default shagg = single aggregate structure Note: 1. Aggregation based on "f" values unless "f" field is missing or empty, in which case it is based on "q" values. 2. Aggregate field determined for "f", "s", "a", "v", and "h" only if respective fields are present in each shipment 3. All other fields are passed to aggregate shipment based on their values in the first input shipment structure sh(1)
Alternate location-allocation procedure
[X,TC,W] = ala(X0,w,P,p) % Use default allocate and locate = ala(X0,alloc_h,P,p) % Use MINISUMLOC(P,W,p) to locate NFs = ala(X0,w,P,p,loc_h) % Use MIN(DISTS(X,P,p)) to allocate NFs = ala(X0,alloc_h,loc_h) % User-defined allocate and locate X0 = n-row matrix of n new facility (NF) starting locations (use X0 = randX(P,n) to generate n random locations, where any unallocated NFs are randomly relocated to EFs) P = m-row matrix of m existing facility (EF) locations w = m-element vector of weights p = parameter for DISTS (default 'mi') alloc_h = handle to anonymous function to allocate NFs = @(X) myalloc(...,X,...), where MYALLOC must return W and TC [W,TC] = myalloc(...,X,...) loc_h = handle to anonymous function to locate NFs = @(W,X0) myloc(...,W,...,X0,...), where MYLOC must return X X = myloc(...,W,...,X0,...) X = n-row matrix of n NF locations TC = total cost of allocation W = n x m matrix of weights, where W(i,j) represents the weight allocated to/from NF(i) from EF(j) Run PPLOT(P,'r.') or MAKEMAP(P) before running ALA, if you want to plot intermediate results, and use "Set Pauseplot Time" on the "Matlog" menu in the figure to to adjust the frequency. Run ALAPLOT(X,W,P) to plot only the final results. %Example 1: Locate three NFs to serve customers in North Carolina cities [P,w] = nccity('XY','Pop'); p = 'mi'; makemap(P), pplot(P,'r.') ala(randX(P,3),w,P,p) %Example 2: Take the best of 'nruns' runs of ALA nruns = 5; TC = Inf; for i=1:nruns, [X1,TC1,W1] = ala(randX(P,3),w,P,p); ... fprintf('%d %e\n',i,TC1); if TC1 < TC, TC=TC1; X=X1; W=W1; end, end %Example 3: Constrained NFs (each NF can handle a third of total demand) alloc_h = @(XY) trans(dists(XY,P,p),ones(1,3)*sum(w)/3,w); [XYc,TCc,Wc] = ala(randX(P,3),alloc_h,P,p); % Constrained NFs TCc, pctdemC = full(sum(Wc,2))/sum(w) % Percentage of total demand %Example 4: Compare constrained to unconstrained NFs [XYu,TCu,Wu] = ala(XYc,w,P,p); TCu, pctdemU = full(sum(Wu,2))/sum(w)
Plot ALA iterations
alaplot(X,W,P) Example: Plot final results from ALA P = [0 0;2 0;2 3], w = [1 2 1] [X,TC,W] = ala(2,w,P,2) pplot alaplot(X,W,P)
Arc angles (in degrees) from xy to XY
ang = arcang(xy,XY), counterclockwise in degrees from east
Indices of maximum component
[i,j,y] = argmax(X), where y = X(i,j) = MAX(MAX(X)) i = argmax(X), where [y,i] = MAX(X) i = argmax(X,DIM), where [y,i] = MAX(X,[],dim)
Indices of minimum component
[i,j,y] = argmin(X), where y = X(i,j) = MIN(MIN(X)) i = argmin(X), where [y,i] = MIN(X) i = argmin(X,DIM), where [y,i] = MIN(X,[],dim)
Indices of sort in ascending order
[i,j,y] = argsort(X), where [i,j] = IND2SUB(SIZE(X),ARGSORT(X(:))) I = argsort(X), where [Y,II] = SORT(X); I = argsort(X,DIM), where [Y,II] = SORT(X,DIM);
Binary ordering of machine-part matrix
[A,idxi,idxj] = binaryorder(Ain) Ain = m x n 0-1 machine-part matrix A = machine-part matrix in binary order, where A = Ain(idxi,idxj) idxi = m-element index vector of machine orderings idxj = n-element index vector of part orderings
Bounding rectangle of XY points
xy1xy2 = boundrect(XY,expand) expand = nonnegative expansion factor for bounding rectangle, where expansion of "expand" times max X,Y extent is added to all sides of rectangle = 0, default = 0.1 => 10% expansion xy1xy2 = bounding rectangle = [min(X) min(Y); max(X) max(Y)]
Convert cell array of vectors to NaN-padded matrix
M = cell2padmat(C,align) align = 1, left alignment (default) = 2, right alignment
Check if valid route vector
checkrte(rte) % Check route and throw error if not correct checkrte(rte,sh) % Also check that rte values in sh range % and that sh has all scalar field values checkrte([],sh) % Just check sh has all scalar field values checkrte(rte,[],isvec) % Require single vector rte rte = route vector = m-element cell array of m route vectors sh = structure array of shipments isvec = rte must be only a single vector, not a cell array = false, default
Combine non-overlapping loc seqs
[cmbloc,st] = combineloc(out) out = m-element struct array of timing output from LOCTC cmbloc = combine non-overlapping loc seqs, where cmbloc{i} = [j k] represents the i-th combined loc seq consisting of seq j followed by seq k Uses greedy combination heuristic Example: [TC,out] = locTC(loc,C,cap,twin) [cmbloc,st] = combineloc(out); [TC,out] = locTC(cmbloc,C,cap,twin); % Re-calc "out"
Delete last tagged line objects from plot
deletelntag() Executes commands: s = get(gca,'UserData'); delete(findobj(s.LastLineTag)) projtick
Destination location given distance and bearing from start loc
xy2 = destpt(xy1,brg,d) xy1 = starting location brg = bearing, clockwise in degrees from north d = distance (in miles) xy2 = destination location Source:
Shortest paths from nodes 's' to nodes 't' using Dijkstra algorithm
[D,P] = dijk(A,s,t) A = n x n node-node weighted adjacency matrix of arc lengths (Note: A(i,j) = 0 => Arc (i,j) does not exist; A(i,j) = NaN => Arc (i,j) exists with 0 weight) s = FROM node indices = [] (default), paths from all nodes t = TO node indices = [] (default), paths to all nodes D = |s| x |t| matrix of shortest path distances from 's' to 't' = [D(i,j)], where D(i,j) = distance from node 'i' to node 'j' = Inf, if no path from 'i' to 'j' P = |s| x n matrix of predecessor indices, where P(i,j) is the index of the predecessor to node 'j' on the path from 's(i)' to 'j',where P(i,i) = 0 and P(i,j) = NaN is 'j' not on path to 's(i)' (use PRED2PATH to convert P to paths) = path from 's' to 't', if |s| = |t| = 1 Example: A = [0 1 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0] [d,p] = dijk(A,1,4) % (Single path) d = 3 % p = 1 2 4 [D,P] = dijk(A) % (All paths) D = 0 1 3 3 % Inf 0 Inf 2 % Inf Inf 0 4 % Inf Inf Inf 0 % P = 0 1 1 2 % NaN 0 NaN 2 % NaN NaN 0 3 % NaN NaN NaN 0 p = pred2path(P,1,4) % p = 1 2 4 GRAPHSHORTESTPATH from Bioinformatics Toolbox used (if avaiable) for A matrices with a nonzero density of less than 20% and non-triangular; otherwise, a full array version of Dijkstra is used that is based on Fig. 4.6 in Ahuja, Magnanti, and Orlin, Network Flows,Prentice-Hall, 1993, p. 109.). Does not perform the computationally intensive test for A being a directed acyclic graph (DAG), but if A is a triangular matrix, then computationally intensive node selection step not needed since graph is a DAG (triangularity is a sufficient, but not a necessary, condition for a graph to be a DAG) and A can have non-negative elements). Can use GRAPHTOPOORDER to make a DAG A triangleuar, or can use GRAPHSHORTESTPATH with the 'Acyclic' method value.
Dijkstra's algorithm to find shortest path from s to t in A
*** Only for demo purposes; use DIJK for applications [d,p,pred] = dijkdemo(A,s,t) A = N x N adjacency matrix s = index of starting node t = index of ending node (Based on Fig. 4.6 in Ahuja, Magnanti, and Orlin, Network Flows, Prentice-Hall, 1993, p. 109.) Example (Fig. 4.7 in Ahuja): IJD = [ 1 2 6 1 3 4 2 3 2 2 4 2 3 4 1 3 5 2 4 6 7 5 4 1 5 6 3]; [d,p] = dijkdemo(list2adj(IJD),1,6)
Metric distances between vectors of points
D = dists(X1,X2,p,e) X1 = n x d matrix of n d-dimensional points X2 = m x d matrix of m d-dimensional points D = n x m matrix of distances p = 2, Euclidean (default): D(i,j) = sqrt(sum((X1(i,:) - X2(j,:))^2)) = 1, rectilinear: D(i,j) = sum(abs(X1(i,:) - X2(j,:)) = Inf, Chebychev dist: D(i,j) = max(abs(X1(i,:) - X2(j,:)) = (1 Inf), lp norm: D(i,j) = sum(abs(X1(i,:) - X2(j,:))^p)^(1/p) = 'rad', great circle distance in radians of a sphere (where X1 and X2 are decimal degree longitudes and latitudes) = 'mi' or 'sm', great circle distance in statute miles on the earth = 'km', great circle distance in kilometers on the earth e = epsilon for hyperboloid approximation gradient estimation = 0 (default); no error checking if any non-empty 'e' input ~= 0 => general lp used for rect., Cheb., and p outside [1,2] Examples: x1 = [1 1], x2 = [2 3] d = dists(x1,x2,1) % d = 3 X2 = [0 0;2 0;2 3] d = dists(x1,X2,1) % d = 2 2 3 D = dists(X2,X2,1) % D = 0 2 5 % 2 0 3 % 5 3 0 city2lonlat = @(city,st) ... uscity('XY',strcmp(city,uscity('Name'))&strcmp(st,uscity('ST'))); d=dists(city2lonlat('Raleigh','NC'),city2lonlat('Gainesville','FL'),'mi') % d = 475.9923 Great circle distances are calculated using the Haversine Formula (R.W. Sinnott, "Virtues of the Haversine", Sky and Telescope, vol 68, no 2, 1984, p 159, reported in "")
Convert destination of each shipment in route to negative value
rte = drte(rte) rte = route vector = m-element cell array of m route vectors
Edit or create a cell array of strings
c = editcellstr(c) % Edit an existing cell array of strings "c" = editcellstr(n) % Create an "n"-element array = editcellstr % Create up to 10-element array, with empty trailing % elements removed Examples: c = {'Boston','New York','Chicago'}; c = editcellstr(c) c = editcellstr(3) c = editcellstr
Convert file to cell array
c = file2cellstr(fname) fname = name of file = [], open dialog to get file name c = cell array of strings, where each string is a line of the file
Find XY points inside rectangle
idx = findXY(XY,xy1xy2) = findXY(XY) Graphical selection of rectangle xy1xy2 = rectangle = [min(X) min(Y); max(X) max(Y)] Graphical selection of rectangle: (1) Pressor select point outside axes to toggle zoom (2) Press key to erase last points selected (3) Press to stop selecting points (4) Use 'Erase Iter Plot' on Matlog figure menu to erase green circles around selected points (or 'delete(findobj('Tag','iterplot'))') Note: Wrapper for idx = FIND(ISINRECT(XY,xy1xy2))
Convert numeric state FIPS code to alphabetic
[alpha,num] = fipsnum2alpha(num) num = numeric FIPS code = [], default, to return all alpha codes except 88 and 91 (and numeric codes, if second output argument provided) 1 AL Alabama 22 LA Louisiana 40 OK Oklahoma 2 AK Alaska 23 ME Maine 41 OR Oregon 4 AZ Arizona 24 MD Maryland 42 PA Pennsylvania 5 AR Arkansas 25 MA Massachusetts 44 RI Rhode Island 6 CA California 26 MI Michigan 45 SC South Carolina 8 CO Colorado 27 MN Minnesota 46 SD South Dakota 9 CT Connecticut 28 MS Mississippi 47 TN Tennessee 10 DE Delaware 29 MO Missouri 48 TX Texas 11 DC Dist Columbia 30 MT Montana 49 UT Utah 12 FL Florida 31 NE Nebraska 50 VT Vermont 13 GA Georgia 32 NV Nevada 51 VA Virginia 15 HI Hawaii 33 NH New Hampshire 53 WA Washington 16 ID Idaho 34 NJ New Jersey 54 WV West Virginia 17 IL Illinois 35 NM New Mexico 55 WI Wisconsin 18 IN Indiana 36 NY New York 56 WY Wyoming 19 IA Iowa 37 NC North Carolina 72 PR Puerto Rico 20 KS Kansas 38 ND North Dakota 88 Canada 21 KY Kentucky 39 OH Ohio 91 Mexico FIPS Code Source: Federal Information Processing, Standards Publication 5-2, May 28, 1987
Fixed sequence proportional to percentage of demand
s = fixseq(a,tol) a = n-element vector of demands tol = tolerance of rational approximation to demand percentage = 1e-2, default s = sequence of indices i = 1 to n, where the frequency of i's in "s" is proportional to the percentage of a(i) in the total demand, i.e., |sum(s == i)/length(s) - a(i)/sum(a)| < tol Example: If a = [0.1193 0.0504] then a/sum(a) is [0.7030 0.2970] fixseq(a) is [1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2] fixseq(a,1e-1) is [1 1 2]
Gantt chart
h = gantt(Bars) % Plot activity bars = gantt(Bars,'PropName',PropValue,...) % Bar properties = gantt(Bars,Labels) % Label each bar = gantt(Bars,Labels,'PropName',PropValue,...) % Label properties Bars = m-element cell array, where Bars{i} = n x 2 matrix of n activity bars for resource i and Bars{i}(j,1) and Bars{i}(j,2) are the beginning and ending times for activity j = m x 2 matrix, if each resource has only one activity Labels = m-element cell array of bar labels h = m-element cell array of handles to bar rectangles or labels Example: Bars = {[1 4]; [2 4; 5 6]; [1 2; 2 3]} Labels = {'bar1';{'bar2','bar3'};{'bar4','bar5'}} hbars = gantt(Bars) hlabels = gantt(Bars,Labels)
Download file from Internet and save local copy
XFlg = getfile(baseurl,fnin,fnout) baseurl = base URL address = '', default fnin = name of file to read from from web fnout = name of file to write to local directory = 'fnin', default XFlg = 1, able to get file = 0, not able
Get rectangular region in current axes
xy1xy2 = grect xy1xy2 = [min(X) min(Y); max(X) max(Y)] In order to support the features of FINDXY: if key pressed instead of mouse button, then decimal current character is returned; if first point selected is outside axes, then empty return and zoom state is toggled; if second point selected is outside axes, then empty return
Greedy Heuristic for the transportation problem
[F,TC] = gtrans(C,s,d) C = m x n matrix of costs s = m-element vector of supplies = [1], default d = n-element vector of demands = [1], default F = m x n matrix of flows TC = total cost
Convert index vector to n-element logical vector
is = idx2is(idx,n) idx = index vector n = length of logical vector is = logical vector, is(idx) = 1 Inverse of FIND(is) = idx, used to convert logical to index vectors.
IDXKEY Create index key to array from unique integer values
key = idxkey(i) i = m-element vector of unique positive integer values key = max(i)-element sparse vector, where, for scalar j, key(j) <=> find(i == j) and, for j not in i, key(j) => 0 <=> find(i == j) => [] Example key = idxkey(uszip5('Code5')); uszip5(key(27606)) % ans = % Code5: 27606 % XY: [-78.7155 35.7423] % ST: {'NC'} % Pop: 43210 % House: 19275 % LandArea: 24.7970 % WaterArea: 0.9000
Conditional operator as a function
x = iff(a,b,c) <=> if a, x = b; else x = c; end IF-statement as a function is used to allow a conditional in an anynomous fucntions; e.g., fh = @(x) iff(x < 0, Inf, x)
IN2OUT Convert variable number of inputs to outputs
[i,j,...] = in2out(i,j,...) Used in an anonymous function to provide two output arguments; e.g., to specify user-defined inequality and equality constraints in FMINCON: @(x) in2out(conineq(x),coneq(x))
Node-arc incidence matrix to arc list representation
IJC = incid2list(I,c) [i,j,c] = incid2list(I,c) I = m x n node-arc incidence matrix c = (optional) n-element vector of arc weights IJC = n x 2-3 matrix arc list [i j c], where i = n-element vector of arc tails nodes j = n-element vector of arc head nodes Example: I = [1 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 1 1] c = [1 3 2] IJC = incid2list(I,c) % IJC = 1 2 1 % 3 1 3 % 3 2 2 See also LIST2INCID
Input dialog with evaluation of values
[val1,val2,...] = inputevaldlg(prompt,title,defval) % Cell array inputs val = inputevaldlg(s,title) % Structure input prompt = cell array of prompt strings for each input value s = single structure, where the name of each field is prompt string and default values are the field values (empty values are ignored) title = title for the dialog = name of structure, default for structure input defval = default values for inputs (optional) (new dialog is created for any single structure default values) [val1,val2,...] = output values, if cell array inputs (cell array of output values, if single output argument) val = structure of values, if structure input = [], if dialog cancelled Examples: % Calling dialog directly x = 0; y = false; z = 'Hello'; prompt = {'x = ','y = ','z = '}; title = 'Example Dialog'; defval = {x,y,z}; [x,y,z] = inputevaldlg(prompt,title,defval) % Calling from within a function function [x,y,z] = myfun(x,y,z) %MYFUN My function that calls INPUTEVALDLG if nargin < 1 | isempty(x), x = 0; end if nargin < 2 | isempty(y), y = false; end if nargin < 3 | isempty(z), z = 'Hello'; end if nargin < 1 % Use dialog when no input arguments prompt = {'x = ','y = ','z = '}; title = 'MYFUN My function that calls INPUTEVALDLG'; defval = {x,y,z}; [x,y,z] = inputevaldlg(prompt,title,defval); if isempty(x), [x,y,z] = deal([]); return, end % Cancelled dialog end % Creating an option structure for MCNF opt = mcnf('defaults') opt = inputevaldlg(opt) (When called within a function, the previous output values are used as default values for inputs if function has previousely called the dialog. Same as INPUTDLG except that the input values are evaluated instead of being returned as strings.) See also INPUTDLG
Insert with improvement procedure for route construction
[rte,TC] = insertimprove(idxsh,rteTC_h,sh) idxsh = shipment index vector specifying insertion order rteTC_h = handle to route total cost function, rteTC_h(rte) sh = structure array with fields: .b = beginning location of shipment .e = ending location of shipment rte = route vector TC = total cost of route
Inverse permutation
inva = invperm(a) a = permutation vector of the integers 1 to length(a) See also RANDPERM
Inverse Mercator projection
XY = invproj(XY) y = invproj(y) XY = two-column matrix of longitude-latitude pairs (in decimal degrees) y = column vector of latitudes (in decimal degrees) (Only latitudes are modified in the inverse Mercator projection, longitudes are unmodified and are not required.) (Based on Eric Weisstein's Mathworld website "
True for zero elements (within tolerance)
y = is0(x,Tol) = abs(x) < Tol Tol = tolerance = [0.01*sqrt(eps)], default
Are XY points in rectangle
isin = isinrect(XY,xy1xy2) = isinrect(XY) % Graphical input of rectangle using GRECT xy1xy2 = rectangle = [min(X) min(Y); max(X) max(Y)] Note: isin = XY(:,1) >= min(X) & XY(:,1) <= max(X) & ... XY(:,2) >= min(Y) & XY(:,2) <= max(Y)
True for integer elements (within tolerance)
y = isint(x,TolInt) = abs(x-round(x)) < TolInt TolInt = integer tolerance = [0.01*sqrt(eps)], default
Identify origin of each shipment in route
is = isorigin(rte) rte = route vector is = logical vector, such that is(i) = true if rte(i) is origin
Weighted interlevel to weighted adjacency matrix representation
A = lev2adj(C) A = lev2adj(C12,C23,...) C = {C12,C23,...}, cell array of weighted interlevel matrices Cij = mi x mj matrix from level i to level j mi = number of nodes in level i m = m1 + m2 + ..., total number of nodes A = m x m node-node weighted adjacency matrix of arc lengths (returns sparse if less than 10% nonzero values) Note: Predecessor Cij and successor Cjk must be (mi x mj) and (mj x mk) matrices, respectively. Zero values in interlevel matrices indicate no arc (must use NaN to indicate arc with 0 weight). Examples: C = [3 4] A = lev2adj(C) % (1 level) A = 0 3 4 % 0 0 0 % 0 0 0 C12 = C, C23 = [5 6] A = lev2adj(C12,C23) % (2 levels) A = 0 3 4 0 % 0 0 0 5 % 0 0 0 6 % 0 0 0 0 See also ADJ2LEV, LIST2INCID, ADJ2LIST, and ADJ2INCID
Weighted interlevel to arc list representation
IJC = lev2list(C) IJC = lev2list(C12,C23,...) C = {C12,C23,...}, cell array of weighted interlevel matrices Cij = mi x mj matrix from level i to level j mi = number of nodes in level i m = m1 + m2 + ..., total number of nodes IJC = n x 2-3 matrix arc list [i j c], where i = n-element vector of arc tails nodes j = n-element vector of arc head nodes c = n-element vector of arc weights Examples: C = [3 4] IJC = lev2list(C) % (1 level) IJC = 1 2 3 % 1 3 4 C12 = C, C23 = [5 6]' IJC = lev2list(C12,C23) % (2 levels) IJC = 1 2 3 % 1 3 4 % 2 4 5 % 3 4 6 Wrapper for IJC = ADJ2LIST(LEV2ADJ(C)) See also LIST2INCID and ADJ2INCID
Arc list to node-node weighted adjacency matrix representation
A = list2adj(IJC,m,spA) IJC = n x 2-5 matrix arc list [i j c u l], where i = n-element vector of arc tails nodes j = n-element vector of arc head nodes c = (optional) n-element vector of arc costs, where n = number arcs = (default) ONES(n,1) u = (optional) ignored l = (optional) ignored m = (optional) scalar size of A if greater than max{max(i),max(abs(j))} spA = (optional) make A sparse matrix if n <= spA x m x m = 1, always make A sparse = 0.1 (default), A sparse if 10% arc density = 0, always make A full matrix A = m x m node-node weighted adjacency matrix Transforms: If j(k) > 0, then [i(k) j(k) c(k)] -> A[i(k),j(k)] = c(k) If j(k) < 0, then [i(k) j(k) c(k)] -> A[i(k),-j(k)] = c(k) A[-j(k),i(k)] = c(k) Note: Weights of any duplicate arcs added together in A c(k) = 0 => A(i(k),j(k)) = NaN Wrapper for c(c==0) = NaN; A = SPARSE(i,j,c,m,m); Examples: IJC = [1 2 1 3 1 3 3 2 2] A = list2adj(IJC) % A = 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 IJC(3,1) = 0 % Arc (3,1) has 0 weight A = list2adj(IJC) % A = 0 1 0 0 0 0 NaN 2 0 IJC = [1 -2 1 % Symmetric arcs 3 -1 3 3 -2 2] A = list2adj(IJC) % A = 0 1 3 1 0 2 3 2 0 See also LIST2INCID, ADJ2LIST, and ADJ2INCID
Arc list to node-arc incidence matrix representation
[I,c,u,l] = list2incid(IJCUL,spI) IJCUL = n x 2-5 matrix arc list [i j c u l], with i and j required and c, u, and l optional (just passed through) i = n-element vector of arc tails nodes j = n-element vector of arc head nodes c = n-element vector of arc costs, where n = number of arcs u = n-element vector of arc upper bounds l = n-element vector of arc lower bounds spI = (optional) make I sparse matrix if no. of nodes (m) >= 1/spI = 1, always make I sparse = 0.05 (default), make I sparse if m >= 20 = 0, always make I full matrix I = m-row node-arc incidence matrix, where number of columns >= n (> n if some elements of j < 0) Given arc list elements i(k) and j(k): j(k) > 0 => column k in I: (i(k),j(k)) j(k) < 0 => undirected arc (i(k),j(k)) converted to two directed arcs corresponding to columns k and k' in I: (i(k),-j(k)) and (-j(k') -i(k')) i(k) = j(k) => (self-loop) => I[i(k),k] = I[j(k),k] = 1 Examples: IJC = [1 2 1 3 1 3 3 2 2] [I,c] = list2incid(IJC) % I = 1 -1 0 c = 1 -1 0 -1 3 0 1 1 2 IJC = [1 -2 1 % Symmetric arcs 3 -1 3 3 -2 2] [I,c] = list2incid(IJC) % I = 1 -1 0 -1 1 0 c = 1 -1 0 -1 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 -1 -1 3 1 2 3 See also LIST2ADJ, ADJ2LIST, and ADJ2INCID
Common code for data file functions
varargout = loaddatafile(varargin0,nargout0,vn,fn) varargin0 = 'varargin' of calling function nargout0 = 'nargout' of calling function vn = 'varnames' of calling function fn = MFILENAME of calling function
Find indices of loc seq segments in arc list
idx = loc2listidx(loc,IJC) % Single arc list [idx1,idx2] = loc2listidx(loc,IJC1,IJC2) % Multipart arc lists [idx1,idx2,idx3] = loc2listidx(loc,IJC1,IJC2,IJC3) loc = vector of single-seq vertices IJC = n-row matrix arc list = [IJC1; IJC2; IJC3], arc list composed of up to 3 separate parts idx = index vector of rows in IJC, where idx(1) is arc IJC(idx(1),:) corresponding to first segment [loc(1) loc(2)] of loc seq idx1 = index vector of rows in IJC1 idx2 = index vector of rows in IJC2 offset by size(IJC1,1) idx3 = index vector of rows in IJC3 offset by size([IJC1; IJC2],1) Use of a multipart arc list allows reference to be made to the original arc lists (e.g., in the label roads example, the "LinkTag" is refinded with respect to the original list IJD, not IJD2). Examples: % 4-node graph XY = [0 0; 1 1; 1 -1; 2 0]; IJC = [1 2 12; 1 3 13; 2 4 24; 3 4 34]; loc = [1 2 4]; idx = loc2listidx(loc,IJC) % idx = 1 3 % Label roads along shortest loc seq from Fayetteville to Raleigh xy1xy2 = [-79 35; -78 36]; [XY,IJD,isXY,isIJD] = subgraph(usrdnode('XY'),... isinrect(usrdnode('XY'),xy1xy2),usrdlink('IJD')); s = usrdlink(isIJD); [Name,XYcity] = uscity50k('Name','XY',isinrect(uscity50k('XY'),xy1xy2)); [IJD11,IJD12,IJD22] = addconnector(XYcity,XY,IJD); makemap(XY) pplot([IJD11; IJD12; IJD22],[XYcity; XY],'r-') pplot(XYcity,'b.') pplot(XYcity,Name) idxFay = strmatch('Fayetteville',Name); idxRal = strmatch('Raleigh',Name); [d,loc] = dijk(list2adj([IJD11; IJD12; IJD22]),idxFay,idxRal); [idx11,idx12,idx22] = loc2listidx(loc,IJD11,IJD12,IJD22); pplot({loc},[XYcity; XY],'y-','Linewidth',2) isEndTag = any(diff(double(s.LinkTag(idx22,:)),1,1)')'; % Don't use isEndTag = [[isEndTag; 0] | [0; isEndTag]]; % repeated tags pplot(IJD(idx22(isEndTag),:),cellstr(s.LinkTag(idx22(isEndTag),:)),XY)
Converts routings to weight matrix
W = loc2W(loc,f,h) loc = routings; e.g., loc = {[1 2 3];[4 1]}, for routing 1-2-3 and 4-1 f = flow h = handling cost (or equivalence factor) Example: loc = {[1 2 3 4],[2 4 1 2 3],[3 4 1 2 4]}; f = [8 5 12]; h = [3 2 1]; W = loc2W(loc,f,h)
Calculate location sequence cost
c = loccost(loc,C) loc = location vector C = n x n matrix of costs between n locations Example: loc = [1 2 4 3]; C = triu(magic(4),1); C = C + C' % C = 0 2 3 13 % 2 0 10 8 % 3 10 0 12 % 13 8 12 0 c = loccost(loc,C) % c = 2 8 12
Calculate total cost of loc seq with time windows
TC = locTC(loc,C) [TC,XFlg,out] = locTC(loc,C,cap,twin,locfeas) = locTC(loc), use arguments C,twin,... from previous call and do not check input for errors loc = vector of single-seq vertices = m-element cell array of m loc seqs (to get sum(TC) as output, use vector loc = [loc{:}] as input) C = n x n matrix of costs between n vertices TC = m-element vector of loc seq costs, where TC(i) = Inf if loc seq i is infeasible Optional input and output arguments used to determine loc seq feasibility: cap = {q,Q} = cell array of capacity arguments, where q = n-element vector of vertex demands, with depot q(1) = 0 Q = maximum loc seq load twin = {ld,TW,st} = cell array of time window arguments, where ld = n or (n+1)-element vector of loading/unloading timespans, where ld(loc(1)) = load at depot ld(n+1) = unload at depot, if loc(1) == loc(end) = scalar of constant values "ld" for loc(2) ... loc(end) and 0 for loc(1); or loc(2) ... loc(end-1) and 0 for loc(end), if loc(1) == loc(end) = 0, default TW = n or (n+1) x 2 matrix of time windows, where TW(i,1) = start of time window for vertex i TW(i,2) = end of time window TW(loc(1),:) = start time window at depot TW(n+1,:) = finish time window at depot, if loc(1) = loc(end) = (n+1)-element cell array, if multiple windows, where TW{i} = (2 x p)-element vector of p window (start,end) pairs st = (optional) m-element vector of starting times at depot = TW(1,1) or min(TW{1}), default (earliest starting time) locfeas = {'locfeasfun',P1,P2,...} = cell array specifying user-defined function to test the feasibility of a single loc seq (in addition to time windows, capacity, and maximum cost), where LOCTC argument out(i) along with user-specified arguments P1,P2,... are passed to function and a logical value should be returned: isfeas = LOCFEASFUN(out(i),P1,P2,...) = {'maxTCfeas',maxTC} is a predefined loc seq feasibility function to test if the total cost of a loc seq (including loading/ unloading times "ld") exceeds the maximum waiting time "maxTC" (see below for code) XFlg(i) = exitflag = 1, if loc seq is feasible = -1, if infeasible due to capacity = -2, if infeasible due to time windows = -3, if infeasible due to user-defined feasibility function out = m-element struct array of outputs out(i) = output structure with fields: .Loc = loc seq indices, loc{i} .Cost = cost from vertex j-1 to j, Cost(j) = C(r{i}(j-1),r{i}(j)) and Cost(1) = 0 = drive timespan from vertex j-1 to j .Demand = demands of vertices on loc seq, q(loc{i}) .Arrive = time of arrival .Wait = wait timespan if arrival prior to beginning of window .Start = time loading/unloading started (starting time for loc seq is "Start(1)") .LD = loading/unloading timespan, ld(loc{i}) .Depart = time of departure (finishing time is "Depart(end)") .Total = total timespan from departing vtx j-1 to depart. vtx j (= drive + wait + loading/unloading timespan) .EarlySF = earliest starting and finishing times (default starting time is "st" and default finish. time is "EarlySF(2)") .LateSF = latest starting and finishing times For each seq loc{i}, feasibility is determined in the following order: 1. Capacity feasibility: SUM(q(loc{i})) <= Q if feasible 2. Time window feasiblity: [TCi,ignore,outi] = LOCTC(loc{i},C,twin); TCi < Inf if feasible 3. User defined feasibility: isfeas = LOCFEASFUN(outi,P1,P2,...); isfeas == true if feasible Code for example loc seq feasibility function: function isfeas = maxTCfeas(outi,maxTC) %MAXTCFEAS Maximum total cost loc seq feasibility function. % isfeas = maxwaitfeas(outi,maxTC) % outi = struct array of outputs from LOCTC for single seq i % (automatically passed to function) % maxTC = scalar max. total cost (including un/loading times) of loc seq % % Loc Seq is feasible if sum(outi.Total) <= maxTC % % This function can be used as a template for developing other % loc seq feasibility functions. % Input error check if ~isnumeric(maxTC) || length(maxTC(:)) ~= 1 || maxTC < 0 error('"maxTC" must be a nonnegative scalar.') end % Feasibility test if sum(outi.Total) <= maxTC isfeas = true; else isfeas = false; end Examples: % 4-vertex graph IJD = [1 -2 1; 2 -3 2; 3 -4 1; 4 -1 1]; C = dijk(list2adj(IJD)) % C = 0 1 2 1 % 1 0 2 2 % 2 2 0 1 % 1 2 1 0 loc = [1 2 3 4 1]; TC = locTC(loc,C) % TC = 5 % Different loc seq, same C from previous call TC = locTC([1 2 3 4]) % TC = 4 % Time-windows ld = 0 TW = [ 6 18 % Start time window at depot 8 11 12 14 15 18 18 24] % Finish time window at depot [TC,XFlg,out] = locTC([1 2 3 4 1],C,[],{ld,TW}) % TC = 8 % XFlg = 1 % out = % Loc: [1 2 3 4 1] % Cost: [0 1 2 1 1] % Demand: [] % Arrive: [0 11 13 14 16] % Wait: [0 0 0 1 2] % Start: [10 11 13 15 18] % LD: [0 0 0 0 0] % Depart: [10 11 13 15 18] % Total: [0 1 2 2 3] % EarlySF: [10 18] % LateSF: [10 18] % Not feasible if total cost exceeds 4 [TC,XFlg] = locTC([1 2 3 4 1],C,[],[],{'maxTCfeas',4}) % TC = Inf % XFlg = -3 [TC,XFlg] = locTC([1 2 3 4 1],C,[],[],{'maxTCfeas',4}) % TC = Inf % XFlg = -3
Determine nearest city given longitude-latitude of location
[idx,dist,drt,dstr] = lonlat2city(XY,city) XY = n x 2 matrix of lon-lat (in decimal degrees) of n locations Optional input argument: city = stucture with fields: .Name = m-element cell array of m city name strings .ST = m-element cell array of m 2-char state abbreviations .XY = m x 2 matrix of city lon-lat (in decimal deg) = USCITY50K, default (which contains all cities in US with population of at least 50,000) Output arguments: 'dstr' is displayed if no output arguments specified idx = index of nearest city dist = distance to nearest city (in miles) drt = direction to nearest city, reported from 0 to 2PI radians clockwise from north dstr = display of nearest city to lat-lon (in city, if dist < 4 mi) = string, if n == 1 = n-element cell array, if n > 1 (use disp(dstr{i}) to display ith display string) Example: xy = uszip5('XY',28711==uszip5('Code5')); lonlat2city(xy) % xy is 14.72 mi E of Asheville, NC lonlat2city(xy,uscity) % xy is in Montreat, NC
Convert LP solution to MCNF arc and node flows
[f,TC,nf] = lp2mcnf(x,IJCUL,SCUL) x = solution returned from solving lp = mcnf2lp(IJCUL,SCUL) IJCUL = [i j c u l], arc data SCUL = [s nc nu nl], node data f = arc flows TC = total cost (LP TC does not include demand node costs) = c'*f + nc'*nf nf = node flows See MCNF2LP for more details and an example
Matlog linear programming solver
[x,TC,XFlg,out] = lplog(c,Alt,blt,Aeq,beq,LB,UB,idxB0,opt) solves min TC = c'*x s.t. Alt*x <= blt, Aeq*beq == beq, LB <= x <= UB x c = n-element vector of variable costs Alt = mlt x n inequality constraint matrix blt = mlt-element RHS vector Aeq = meq x n equality constraint matrix beq = meq-element RHS vector LB = n-element lower bound vector = [0], default UB = n-element upper bound vector = [Inf], default idxB0 = meq-element vector of initial basis indices (problem must be in standard form: all Aeq, LB = 0, UB = Inf) = [] (default) => Use Phase I to find initial basis Options: opt = options structure, with fields: .Display = 2, show steps of evaluation = 1, warning messages (default) = -1, no warning messages .Pivot = method used to select pivot variable = 1, (default) Steepest edge = 2, Bland's Rule (prevents cycling) = 3, Dantzig's Rule .Tol = tolerance for variable at zero = 1e-8, default .MaxCond = maximum initial basis condition estimate = 1e8, default .MaxIter = maximum number of simplex iterations before switching to Bland's Rule ('Pivot' = 2) = n + 1, default = 'Field1',value1,'Field2',value2, ..., where multiple input arguments or single cell array can be used instead of the full options structure to change only selected fields opt = LPRSM('defaults'), to get defaults values for option structure XFlg = 1, solution found = 0, maximum number of iterations reached = -1, initial basis is ill conditioned or infeasible = -2, problem is infeasible = -3, problem is unbounded = -4, redundant row in constraints out = output structure, with fields: .idxB = final basis indices .r = reduced costs .w = dual variables .iter = number of simplex iterations (Based on revised simplex method reported in Sec. 3.7 of S.C. Fang and S.Puthenpura, Linear Optimization and Extensions: Theory and Algorithms, Pretice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1993.) (Jeffery A. Joines developed the initial version of the RSM subroutine used in this procedure.)
Create projection plot of World or US
h = makemap(region) = makemap(XY,expand) region = 'World', (default) world coastline and international borders = 'US', United States coastline and state and international borders = 'NC', North Carolina state border XY = longitude-latitude pairs (in decimal degrees) used to fix axes limits by calling BOUNDRECT(XY,expand) to get bounding rectangle expand = nonnegative expansion factor for bounding rectangle (if XY input) = 0.10, default h = handle of line objects created h(1) = coastlines h(2) = international borders h(3) = (World) arctic (66.5) and antarctic (-66.5) circles and tropics of Cancer (23.5) and Capricorn (-23.5) parallels = (US) State borders Calls MAPDATA to get map data
Multiple AND with real or cellstr vector pairs
[idx,idxm] = mand(x1,y1,x2,y2,...,is1,is2,...) = mand(x1,y1,x2,y2,...) x1,x2,... = real or cellstr n-element vectors y1,y2,... = real array or cellstr vectors, where each x-y forms a pair is1,is2,... = (optional) logical vectors, with same number of elements as each y idx = n-element index vector of matches, where idx(i) = NaN if no match or multiple matches found for element i idxm = n-element cell array of possible multiple matches, where idxmulti{i} = index vector of matches for element i, where error is thrown if multiple matches found and idxmulti is not returned Returns: idxm(i) = find(x1(i) == y1 & x2(i) == y2 & ...), for real x idxm(i) = find(strncmpi(x1{i},y1,length(x1(i)) & ... strncmpi(x2{i},y2,length(x1(i)) & ...), for cellstr x Note: If idxm not returned and multiple matches for element i, then tries to find one exact match amoung the idxm{i} to return as idx(i) Example 1: Find the lon-lat of ZIP codes 32606 and 27606 XY = uszip5('XY',mand([32606 27606],uszip5('Code5'))) % XY = % -82.4441 29.6820 % -78.7155 35.7423 Example 2: Find the lon-lat of Gainesville, FL and Raleigh, NC XY = uscity('XY',mand({'Gainesville','Raleigh'},uscity('Name'),... {'FL','NC'},uscity('ST'))) % XY = % -82.3459 29.6788 % -78.6414 35.8302
Data for maps of the World, US, and North Carolina
s = mapdata Output all variables as structure 's' [x1,x2] = mapdata Output only first 1, 2, etc., variables s = mapdata('x',...) Output only variables 'x', ... as structure 's' [x,...] = mapdata('x',...) Output variables 'x', ... as variables = mapdata(...,is) Output subset 'x(is)' using SUBSETSTUCT(s,is) where 'is' is vector of elements to extract Loads data file "mapdata.mat" that contain the following variables: World = structure of World data with fields: .XYB = international borders .XYC = world coastline US = structure of United States data with fields: .XYB = US international borders .XYC = US coastline .XYS = US state borders NC = structure of North Carolina data with fields: .XYS = NC state border Data source: World from World Coast Line (1:5,000,000) and US from World Data Bank II (1:2,000,000; N 53.61 S 14.9 W -125 E -65) of the Coastline Extractor created by Rich Signell of US Geological Survey and hosted by NOAA/National Geophysical Data Center, Marine Geology & Geophysics Division ( Data thined and sorted using REDUCEM from Mapping Toolbox and JOIN_CST from Coastline Extractor.
Convert columns of matrix to vectors
[X(:,1),X(:,2),...] = mat2vec(X) (Additional output vectors assigned as empty)
Automatically download updates to Matlog files
nfilesrepl = matlogupdate() nfilesrepl = number of files updated (command line prompt suppressed if this output argument is requested) Note: Do not need to run this if connected to the NCSU network. If off-campus, can add MATLOGUPDATE to your "startup.m" file. Uses Matlog function GETFILE to copy files. (Files that need updating are determined by checking their modification dates to see if they are earlier than the dates of the same files in the current Matlog directory at NCSU ( matlogdir.mat). Looks for the file "matlogupdate.m" to determine the path to the Matlog directory on the local computer.)
Determine maximum payload
qmax = maxpayld(s,tr) = maxpayld(sh,tr) s = vector of shipment density (lb/ft^3) sh = structure array with field: .s = shipment density (lb/ft^3) tr = structure with fields: .Kwt = weight capacity of trailer (tons) = Inf, default .Kcu = cube capacity of trailer (ft^3) = Inf, default qmax = maximum payload (tons)
Convert minimum cost network flow to LP model
lp = mcnf2lp(IJCUL,SCUL) IJCUL = [i j c u l], arc data SCUL = [s nc nu nl], node data i = n-element vector of arc tails nodes, where n = number of arcs j = n-element vector of arc head nodes c = n-element vector of arc costs u = n-element vector of arc upper bounds = [Inf], default l = n-element vector of arc lower bounds = [0], default s = m-element vector of net node supply, where m = number of nodes s(i) > 0 => node i is supply node (outflow > inflow) s(i) = 0 => node i is transshipment node (outflow = inflow) s(i) < 0 => node i is demand node (outflow < inflow) nc = m-element vector of node costs nu = m-element vector of upper bounds on total node flow = [Inf], default nl = m-element vector of lower bounds on total node flow = [-Inf], default lp = {c,Alt,blt,Aeq,beq,lb,ub} c = vector of variable costs Alt = inequality constraint matrix = [], for MCNF blt = inequality RHS vector = [], for MCNF Aeq = equality constraint matrix beq = equality RHS vector lb = lower bound vector ub = upper bound vector Example: IJCUL = [ 1 2 4 10 1 1 3 2 5 0 2 4 0 Inf 0 2 5 0 Inf 0 5 2 0 Inf 0 3 5 0 Inf 0 4 6 0 Inf 1 5 6 0 Inf 0]; SCUL = [ 10 4 Inf 0 0 2 5 2 0 3 4 2 -2 2 Inf 0 2 3 Inf 0 -4 1 Inf 0]; lp = mcnf2lp(IJCUL,SCUL); [x,TClp] = lplog(lp{:}); TClp % Use LPLOG to solve LP % TClp = % LP TC does not include demand % 54 % node costs [f,TC,nf] = lp2mcnf(x,IJCUL,SCUL) % Convert to arc & node flows % f = % 2 2 3 0 1 2 1 3 % TC = % 62 % nf = % 4 3 2 3 4 4
Matrix display
str = mdisp(X,row,col,rowtitle,fracdig,allfrac,isnosep,colsp) X = m x n array of real numbers row = m-element cell array of row heading strings = m-element numeric array of row numbers = numbers 1 to m, default col = n-element cell array of column heading strings = n-element numeric array of column numbers = numbers 1 to n, default rowtitle = scalar or string title for row headings = name of first input argument, default fracdig = digits for fractional portion of number = 2, default allfrac = digits for fractional portion of all fractional columns = 4, default isnosep = output to "str" without horizontal and vertical separators (to allow pasting into Excel as fixed-width text) = true, default colsp = spaces between columns = 2, defualt str = output as a string Note: NaN's displayed as blank spaces (can use to control formating). Adds comma separators to numbers in array. Examples: X = rand(5,4); mdisp(X) mdisp(X < .5) mdisp(X * 10000) mdisp(fliplr(X),{'R1','row 2','R 3','RowFour','Row 5'},size(X,2):-1:1)
Mixed-integer linear programming model
This class stores MILP models and provides methods to create the models and format solutions for output. Milp Properties: Model MILP model (same structure as Cplex model). Milp Methods: Milp Constructor for Milp objects. addobj Add variable cost arrays to objective function. addcstr Add constraint to model. addlb Add lower bounds for each variable array. addub Add upper bounds for each variable array. addctype Specify type of each variable array. namesolution Convert solution to named field arrays. dispmodel Display matrix view of model. lp2milp Convert LP model to MILP model. milp2lp Convert MILP model to LINPROG inputs. milp2ilp Convert MILP model to INTLINPROG inputs. milp2gb Convert MILP model to Gurobi input structure. Example 1: Illustrate Milp syntax c = [1:4], C = reshape(5:10,2,3) mp = Milp('Example'); mp.addobj('min',c,C) mp.addcstr(0,1,'=',100) mp.addcstr(c,-C,'>=',0) mp.addcstr(c,'>=',C) mp.addcstr([c; 2*c],repmat(C(:)',2,1),'<=',[400 500]) mp.addcstr({3},{2,2},'<=',600) mp.addcstr({2,{3}},{3*3,{2,2}},'<=',700) mp.addcstr({[2 3],{[3 4]}},{4,{2,':'}},'=',800) mp.addcstr(0,{C(:,[2 3]),{':',[2 3]}},'>=',900) mp.addlb(-10,0) mp.addub(10,Inf) mp.addctype('B','C') mp.dispmodel % c = 1 2 3 4 % C = % 5 7 9 % 6 8 10 % % Example: lhs B B B B C C C C C C rhs % -------:------------------------------------------------- % Min: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 % 1: 100 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 % 2: 0 1 2 3 4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 Inf % 3: 0 1 2 3 4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 Inf % 4: -Inf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 400 % 5: -Inf 2 4 6 8 5 6 7 8 9 10 500 % 6: -Inf 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 600 % 7: -Inf 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 700 % 8: 800 0 0 2 3 0 4 0 4 0 4 800 % 9: 900 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 8 9 10 Inf % lb: -10 -10 -10 -10 0 0 0 0 0 0 % ub: 10 10 10 10 Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Example 2: UFL (Example 8.8 in Francis, Fac Layout and Loc, 2nd ed.) k = [8 8 10 8 9 8]; C = [0 3 7 10 6 4 3 0 4 7 6 7 7 4 0 3 6 8 10 7 3 0 7 8 6 6 6 7 0 2 4 7 8 8 2 0]; mp = Milp('UFL'); mp.addobj('min',k,C) [n m] = size(C); for j = 1:m mp.addcstr(0,{':',j},'=',1) end for i = 1:n mp.addcstr({m,{i}},'>=',{i,':'}) % Weak formulation end mp.addub(Inf,1) mp.addctype('B','C') [x,TC,nevals,XFlg] = milplog(mp); TC,nevals,XFlg x = mp.namesolution(x), xC = x.C TC = k*x.k' + sum(sum(C.*xC)) Documentation for Milp doc Milp
Matlog mixed-integer linear programming solver
[x,TC,nevals,XFlg] = milplog(mp,opt) mp = model object returned by MILP Options: opt = options structure, with fields: .Display =-1, no warning messages = 0, initial LP message (default) = 1, show steps of B&B evalutation = 2, also show TolFun changes .Martin = 0, don't use Martin cuts = 1, use Martin cuts if possible (default) .SOS = Special Ordered Sets of type one (SOS1) = 0, don't use (default) = 1, use if possible (and don't use Martin cuts) .RCthresh = reduced cost threshold percent of obj for Martin cuts = 0.05 (default) .TolInt = integer tolerance for ISINT = [1e-8], default .ExTolFun = opt.LPopt.TolFun expansion factor for LINPROG feas. = 10 (default) .LPopt = option structure for LINPROG, with MILP default: .Display = 'none' = 'Field1',value1,'Field2',value2, ..., where multiple input arguments or single cell array can be used instead of the full options structure to change only selected fields opt = MILPLOG('defaults'), get defaults values for option structure nevals = number of LP evaluations XFlg = 2, initial LP solution feasible = 1, solution found =-1, no feasible integer solution found =-2, initial LINPROG exitflag <= 0 Example (Example 8.8 in Francis, Fac Layout and Loc, 2nd ed.): k = [8 8 10 8 9 8]; C = [0 3 7 10 6 4 3 0 4 7 6 7 7 4 0 3 6 8 10 7 3 0 7 8 6 6 6 7 0 2 4 7 8 8 2 0]; mp = Milp('UFL'); mp.addobj('min',k,C) [n m] = size(C); for j = 1:m mp.addcstr(0,{':',j},'=',1) end for i = 1:n mp.addcstr({m,{i}},'>=',{i,':'}) % Weak formulation end mp.addub(Inf,1) mp.addctype('B','C') [x,TC,nevals,XFlg] = milplog(mp); TC,nevals,XFlg x = mp.namesolution(x), xC = x.C TC = k*x.k' + sum(sum(C.*xC))
Minimum transport charge for TL, LTL, or multistop route
MC = mincharge(d,ppiTL) % TL = mincharge(d,[],ppiLTL) % LTL = mincharge(d,ppiTL,rte,sh) % Multistop route [MC,AC] = mincharge(d,ppiTL,rte,sh,idx) % (output allocated charge) d = shipment distance (mi) ppiTL = TL Producer Price Index = 102.7, default (2004 value) ppiLTL = LTL Producer Price Index = 104.2, default (2004 value) rte = route vector sh = structure array with fields: .b = beginning location of shipment .e = ending location of shipment idx = shipment index vector = rte2idx(rte), default MC = Minimum charge = (ppiTL/102.7) * 45, for TL and d > 0 = (ppiLTL/104.2) * (45 + (d^(28/19))/1625), for LTL and d > 0 = nLU * mincharge(d,ppiTL)/2, for Multistop, where nLU is no. L and U at different locations and half MC for each L and U = 0, for d = 0 AC = allocated minimum charge for multistop route, where the allocation is based on dividing mincharge(d,tr)/2) by the number of consecutive L/U at same location LTL MC not valid for sh.d > 3432
Min cost insertion of route i into route j
[rte,TC,TCij] = mincostinsert(rtei,rtej,rteTC_h,sh,doNaN) rtei = route i vector rtej = route j vector rteTC_h = handle to route total cost function, rteTC_h(rte) sh = structure array with fields: .b = beginning location of shipment .e = ending location of shipment doNaN = return NaN for rte if cost increase = false, default rte = combined route vector = NaN if cost increase TC = total cost of combined route TCij = original total cost of routes i and j
Continuous minisum facility location
[X,TC,XFlg,X0] = minisumloc(P,W,p,V,X0,opt) Determines locations X that minimizes TC = SUMCOST(X,P,W,p,V). Uses best solution from gradient-based and Nelder-Mead searches. P = m x d matrix of m d-dimensional points W = n x m matrix of X-P weights p = distance parameter for DISTS in SUMCOST V = n x n matrix of X-X weights for multifacility problem (all elements of V used) = [] (default), solve n single-facility problems X0 = n x d matrix of starting points = RANDX(P,n) (default) opt = options structure, with fields: .SearchTech = search techniques to use = 1 => only FMINUNC (gradient-based search) = 2 => only FMINSEARCH (Nelder-Mead direct search) = 3 => best of both (default) .MajorityChk = check for majority single-facility solution (i.e., X = P(FIND(W >= SUM(W)),:)) = 1, do check (default) = 0, do not check .e = epsilon parameter for DISTS passed through SUMCOST = 1e-4 (default) .IterPlot = plot each X evaluated by SUMCOST (use 'delete(findobj('Tag','iterplot'))' to erase) = h, handle of axes for plotting = [] (defualt), no plotting .NormLonLat = normalize lon-lat (i.e., X = NORMLONLAT(X)) = 1, normalize (default) = 0, do not normalize .Uopt = option structure for FMINUNC, with MINISUMLOC defaults: .Display = 'off',.GradObj = 'on',.LargeScale = 'off', .LineSearchType = 'cubicpoly' .Sopt = option structure for FMINSEARCH, with MINISUMLOC defaults: .Display = 'off',.TolFun = 1e-6,.TolX = 1e-6 = 'Field1',value1,'Field2',value2, ..., where multiple input arguments or single cell array can be used instead of the full options structure to change only selected fields opt = MINISUMLOC('defaults'), to get defaults values for option struct. XFlg = 3 => majority solution found = 2 => best solution found using FMINSEARCH = 1 => best solution found using FMINUNC = 0 => maximum number of iterations reached, if best solution found using FMINSEARCH; or maximum number of function evaluations reached, if best solution found using FMINUNC = -1 => did not converge to a solution, if only FMINUNC used = -2 => all 0 row in W matrix (returns X(i,:) = X0(i,:); TC(i) = 0) Examples: P = [1 1;2 0;2 3], w = [4 3 5] % Single-facility location [X,TC,XFlg,X0] = minisumloc(P,w,2) % X = 1.2790 1.1717 W = [4 3 5;2 3 0], V = [0 1;0 0], % Multifacility location [X,TC,XFlg,X0] = minisumloc(P,W,2,V) % X = 1.3197 1.1093 % 2.0000 0.0000 V = [], % Two single-facility locations [X,TC,XFlg,X0] = minisumloc(P,W,2) % X = 1.2790 1.1717 % 2.0000 0
Minimum weight spanning tree using Kruskal algorithm
[t,nk] = minspan(IJC) IJC = n x 3 matrix arc list [i j c] of arc heads, tails, and costs t = n-element vector, where t(i) = 1, if IJC(i,:) arc in spanning tree t(i) = k, if IJC(i,:) arc in component k of forest nk = number of components
Minimum total logistics cost comparing TL and LTL
[TLC,q,isLTL] = minTLC(sh,tr,ppiLTL) % minimum of TL and LTL = minTLC(sh,tr) % only TL = minTLC(sh,[],ppiLTL) % only LTL = minTLC(sh,tr,ppiLTL,D) % use D to determine dist = minTLC(sh,tr,[],D,rte) % min TLC for route(s) % (only TL considered) sh = structure array with fields: .f = annual demand (tons/yr) .s = shipment density (lb/ft^3) .a = inventory 0-D fraction .v = unit shipment value ($/ton) .h = inventory carrying rate (1/yr) = required field if D not provided .d = shipment distance (mi) = required fields if D provided .b = beginning location of shipment .e = ending location of shipment = optional fields to use to treat single shipment routes as independent shipments .TLC1 = minimum TLC for shipment ($/yr) .q1 = optimal weight (tons) .isLTL = true if LTL minimizes TLC for shipment tr = structure with fields: .r = transport rate ($/mi) .Kwt = weight capacity of trailer (tons) = Inf, default .Kcu = cube capacity of trailer (ft^3) = Inf, default .ppiTL = TL Producer Price Index = 102.7 * (tr.r/2), default where the ratio of tr.r to 2 is used as a PPI approximation since $2 per mile is average tr.r for 2004 and 102.7 is the average TL PPI for 2004 ppiLTL = LTL Producer Price Index = 104.2, default, average 2004 LTL PPI D = matrix of inter-location distances rte = route vector of shipments (if specified, sh.TLC1,q1,isLTL,c1 are used for single shipment routes) = m-element cell array of m route vectors TLC = minimum total logistics cost ($/yr) = min TLC(i) for sh(i), if rte not provided = min TLC for shipments in route, if rte provided = m-element vector, min TLC(i) for rte{i} q = optimal single shipment weight (tons) = q(i) for sh(i), if rte not provided = q(i) for sh(i) in route, if single rte provided = cell array, where q{i}(j) weight for sh(j) in rte{i} isLTL = logical vector, true if LTL minimizes TLC for shipment
Multiple OR with each element of real or cellstr vector
[is,Xidx] = mor(x,Y) x = real or cellstr vector Y = real or cellstr array is = logical array of matches Xidx = index of elements of x with no match in Y, where error is thrown if Xidx not returned = [], if at least one match in Y Returns: is = x(1) == Y | x(2) == Y | ..., for real x is = strcmp(x{1},Y) | strcmp(x{2},Y) | ..., for cellstr x Example: 3-digit ZIP codes with population in continental U.S. z = uszip3(~mor({'AK','HI','PR'},uszip3('ST')) & uszip3('Pop') > 0);
North Carolina cities with populations of at least 10,000 data
s = nccity Output all variables as structure 's' [x1,x2] = nccity Output only first 1, 2, etc., variables s = nccity('x',...) Output only variables 'x', ... as struct. 's' [x,...] = nccity('x',...) Output variables 'x', ... as variables = nccity(...,is) Output subset 'x(is)' using SUBSETSTUCT(s,is) where 'is' is vector of elements to extract Loads data file "nccity.mat" that contain the following variables: Name = m-element cell array of m city name strings XY = m x 2 matrix of city lon-lat (in decimal deg) Pop = m-element vector of total population estimates (2010) Example: Extract lon-lat of Raleigh xyRal = nccity('XY',strcmp('Raleigh',nccity('Name'))) % xyRal = -78.6414 35.8302 (Subset of USCITY) Sources: [1] (file: .../gazetteer/files/Gaz_places_national.txt) [2] (file: .../zcta_rel/zcta_place_rel_10.txt) File [1] contains data for all incorporated places and census designated places (CDPs) in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as of the January 1, 2010. File [2] used for Pop field, and File [1] for all other fields.
Convert longitude and latitude to normal form
XY = normlonlat(XY) XY = n x 2 matrix of longitude-latitude pairs (in decimal degrees) Normal form: -180 < X <= 180 and -90 <= Y <= 90
Create cell array of strings from numerical vector
c = num2cellstr(v) v = n-element numerical vector c = n-element cell array of strings Wrapper for cellstr(strjust(num2str(v(:)),'left'))
Validate 'opt' structure
opt = optstructchk(optdef,varargin) optdef = default opt structure = MFUN('defaults'), to get default for function MFUN optin = input opt cell from varargin opt = structure, if valid = string, if error Note: Option values are not vailidated, just its structure Used in MINISUMLOC and MCNF
Convert rows of NaN-padded matrix to cell array
C = padmat2cell(M)
Calculate pairwise savings
[IJS,S,TCij,Rij] = pairwisesavings(rteTC_h,sh,TC1,doNegSav) rteTC_h = handle to route total cost function, rteTC_h(rte) sh = structure array with fields: .b = beginning location of shipment .e = ending location of shipment TC1 = (optional) user-supplied independent shipment total cost = rteTC_h([i i]) for shipment i, default doZero = set negative savings values to zero = true, default IJS = savings list in nonincreasing order, where for row IJS(i,j,s) s is savings associated with adding shipments i and j to route = [], default, savings S = savings matrix TCij = pairwise total cost matrix Rij = pairwise route cell array
Drawnow and then pause after plotting
pauseplot(pt), drawnow and pause for 'pt' seconds (if current figure UserData is empty) pauseplot, drawnow and pause using 'pt' from current figure's UserData (set 'pt' to 0 if empty) pauseplot('set'), prompt user to input 'pt' into UserData without drawnow and pause pauseplot('set',pt), input 'pt' into UserData without drawnow and pause pt = pauseplot('get'), get 'pt' from UserData without drawnow & pause pt = pause time (in seconds) = Inf, to pause until any key is pressed pt = [], returned if input canceled or invalid 'pt' value in UserData Calls DRAWNOW followed by PAUSE(pt)
Plot shipments
h = plotshmt(sh,XY,rte,tr,doproj,maxlab) sh = structure array with fields: .b = beginning location of shipment .e = ending location of shipment .isLTL = (optional) true if LTL used for independent shipment XY = 2-column matrix of location lon-lat (in decimal deg) rte = (optional) route vector = m-element cell array of m route vectors tr = (optional) structure with fields: .b = beginning location of truck = sh(rte(1)).b, default .e = ending location of truck = sh(rte(end)).e, default doproj = (optional) do projection using MAKEMAP = true, default maxlab = maximum characters on each L/U side of arc label = 6, default h = [hTL hLTL hRte] = handles
Hybrid algorithm for p-median location
[y,TC,X] = pmedian(p,C) = pmedian(p,C,dodisp), display intermediate results p = scalar number of NFs to locate C = n x m variable cost matrix, where C(i,j) is the cost of serving EF j from NF i dodisp = true, default y = p-element NF site index vector TC = total cost = sum(sum(C(X))) X = n x m logical matrix, where X(i,j) = 1 if EF j allocated to NF i Algorithm: Report the minimum of UFLADD(0,C,[],p) followed by UFLXCHG(O,C,yADD) and UFLDROP(0,C,[],p) followed by UFLXCHG(O,C,yDROP), where yADD and yDROP are the p-element NF site index vector returned by UFLADD and UFLDROP for a fixed number of NFs Example (Example 8.8 in Francis, Fac Layout and Loc, 2nd ed.): p = 2 C = [0 3 7 10 6 4 3 0 4 7 6 7 7 4 0 3 6 8 10 7 3 0 7 8 6 6 6 7 0 2 4 7 8 8 2 0] [y,TC,X] = pmedian(p,C); y,TC,full(X)
Projection plot
h = pplot('proj',...) % Current and subsequent plots w/ projection = pplot(XY) % Plot lines and points = pplot(XY,LineSpec) = pplot(XY,LineSpec,'PropName',PropValue,...) = pplot(XY,Labels,'PropName',PropValue,...) % Label points XY = pplot(XY,'NumNode',...) % Number nodes = pplot(IJ,XY,...) % Plot graph = pplot(IJ,Labels,XY,...) % Label arcs IJ = pplot(loc,XY,...) % Plot loc seq = pplot(loc,Labels,XY,...) % Label loc seq 'loc' = pplot([IJ | loc],XY,Labels,...) % Best-fit labels = pplot(border,...) % Border offset percentage for XLim and YLim = pplot('proj') % Create new figure & axes with projection = pplot % Create without projection 'proj' = initialize current axes so that current and subsequent plots are projected using PROJ; if axes not initialized, then PPLOT plots data unprojected (axes initialized by setting Tag property to 'proj') XY = m x 2 matrix of m 2-D points, which, if projected, should be longitude-latitude pairs (in decimal degrees) IJ = n-row matrix arc list [i j] of arc heads and tails loc = cell array of loc seq vectors, loc = {[loc1],[loc2],...} (label arcs of single-seq and centroids of multiple loc seqs) LineSpec = character string to display line object (see PLOT for options) Labels = cell array of strings = num2cell(1:m), if numbering XY = num2cell(IJD(:,3)), if labeling arc costs in n x 3 matrix IJD = cellstr(chararray), if using rows of character array as labels PropName = any line or text object property name PropValue = corresponding line object property value (note: a structure or cell arrays can also be used for property name-value pairs (see SET for details)) border = nonnegative scalar offset percentage for point/arc border, where offset is percentage of max X,Y extent (only increases XLim,YLim to MaxXYLim, which can be set as the field of a structure stored in the "UserData" of the current axes (see MAKEMAP)) = 0 (default, with projection), no offset = 0.2 (default, no projection), 20% offset h = handle of line object created, or, if labels, vector of text object handles created, or, if PPLOT('proj'), handle of axes Examples: XY = [2 2; 3 1; 4 3; 1 4]; % Points pplot(XY,'r.') pplot(XY,num2cell(1:4)) % Names of North Carolina cities [Name,XY] = nccity; makemap(XY) pplot(XY,'r.') pplot(XY,Name) IJ = [1 2; 1 3; 1 4]; % Arc List h1 = pplot(IJ,XY,'g-'); IJlab = {'(1,2)','(1,3)','(1,4)'}; h2 = pplot(IJ,IJlab,XY); delete([h1; h2]) loc = {[1 4 3 2 1]}; % Loc Seq Vector h3 = pplot(loc,XY,'g-'); loclab = {'(1,4)','(4,3)','(3,2)','(2,1)'}; h4 = pplot(loc,loclab,XY); set(h3,'color','b') If current figure does not exist, then new figure created with DOUBLEBUFFER ON and MATLOGMENU called. If current axes does not exist, then new axes created with HOLD ON, AXIS EQUAL, and BOX ON. If IJ or loc not specified for labeling points, then the Delaunay triangulation of the points are used to fit the labels. Edges greater than two times the shortest edge incident on each point are not used.
Convert predecessor indices to shortest paths from 's' to 't'
loc = pred2path(P,s,t) P = |s| x n matrix of predecessor indices (from DIJK) s = FROM node indices = [] (default), paths from all nodes t = TO node indices = [] (default), paths to all nodes loc = |s| x |t| cell array of paths (or loc seqs) from 's' to 't', where loc{i,j} = path from s(i) to t(j) = [], if no path exists from s(i) to t(j) (Used with output of DIJK)
Mercator projection
XY = proj(XY) y = proj(y) XY = two-column matrix of longitude-latitude pairs (in decimal deg.) y = column vector of latitudes (in decimal degrees) (Only latitudes are modified in the Mercator projection, longitudes are unmodified and are not required.) (Based on Eric Weisstein's Mathworld website "
Project tick marks on projected axes
out = projtick(h) h = axes handle = current axes, default out = 1, ticks projected, if axes created using PPLOT('proj') = 0, otherwise
Random re-ordering of an array
X = randreorder(X,r) X = array r = scalar between 0 and 1 Initially, X = X(1:n,:); for i = 1:n, if rand < r, then X(i,:) placed at the end of X.
Random generation of n points X that are within P's boundaries
X = randX(P,n) Generates n x d matrix X of n random d-dimensional NF locations, where each dimension is within the min and max EF locations of P (if m = 1, then each X(i,:) = P). P = m x d matrix of m d-dimensional EF locations n = number of NF locations to generate = 1, default Example: Two X points within x = 0..2 and y = 0..3 P = [0 0;2 0;2 3] X = randX(P,2)
Determine estimated LTL rate
rLTL = rateLTL(q,s,d,ppi) q = weight of shipment (tons) s = density of shipment (lb/ft^3) d = distance of shipment (mi) ppi = LTL Producer Price Index = 104.2, default, 2004 LTL PPI value rLTL = rate ($/ton-mi) Note: Any q < 150/2000 is set equal to 150/2000, and any d < 37 is set equal to 37. Inf returned for q > 5, d > 3354, and 2000*q/s > 650 Based on LTL estimate in M.G. Kay and D.P. Warsing, "Modeling truck rates using publicly available empirical data," Int. J. Logistics Res. Appl., 12(3):165–193, 2009.
Convert route to shipment index vector
idx = rte2idx(rte) rte = route vector = m-element cell array of m route vectors idx = shipment index vector, such that idx = rte(isorigin(rte)) = m-element cell array of m shipment index vectors Example: rte = [23 15 6 23 27 17 24 27 15 17 6 24]; idx = rte2idx(rte) % idx = 23 15 6 27 17 24
Convert route vector to load-mix cell array
ldmx = rte2ldmx(rte) rte = route vector ldmx = cell array of load-mix vectors Example: rte = [1 2 1 3 3 2]; ldmx = rte2ldmx(rte); ldmx{:} % ans = 1 2 % ans = 2 3
Convert route to location vector
loc = rte2loc(rte,sh) = rte2loc(rte,sh,tr) % Include beginning/ending truck locations rte = route vector = m-element cell array of m route vectors sh = structure array with fields: .b = beginning location of shipment .e = ending location of shipment tr = (optional) structure with fields: .b = beginning location of truck = sh(rte(1)).b, default .e = ending location of truck = sh(rte(end)).e, default loc = location vector = m-element cell array of m location vectors = NaN, degenerate location vector, which occurs if bloc = eloc and truck returns to eloc before end of route (=> > one route) Example: rte = [1 2 -2 -1]; sh = vect2struct('b',[1 2],'e',[3 4]); loc = rte2loc(rte,sh) % loc = 1 2 4 3
Normalize route vector
nrte = rtenorm(rte) = rtenorm(rte,idx) % If specifying index order rte = route vector idx = shipment index vector = rte2idx(rte), default nrte = normalized route vector such that its indices range from 1 to n = length(rte(rte>0)) for shipments idx(1) to n Example 1: rte = [100 22 33 22 45 500 33 66 500 100 45 66]; idx = rte2idx(rte) % idx = 100 22 33 45 500 66 rtenorm(rte) % ans = 1 2 3 2 4 5 3 6 5 1 4 6 Example 2: idx = [33 45 500 66 22 100]; rtenorm(rte,idx) % ans = 6 5 1 5 2 3 1 4 3 6 2 4
RTESEGID Identify shipments in each segment of route
L = rtesegid(rte) rte = normalized route vector L = m x (2*m) logical shipment-leg matrix, where m = number of shipments in route and L(i,j) = true indicates that shipment i is in segment j
RTESEGSUM Cumulative sum over each segment of route
yseg = rtesegsum(rte,xsh) rte = route vector xsh = vector of values for each shipment in route yseg = cumulative sum of "xsh" over each segment of "rte"
Total cost of route
[TC,Xflg,out] = rteTC(rte,sh,C) = rteTC(rte,sh,C,tr) rte = route vector = m-element cell array of m route vectors sh = structure array with fields: .b = beginning location of shipment .e = ending location of shipment = include to check capacity feasibility of route: .q = shipment weight (tons) .s = shipment density (lb/ft^3) = include to add shipment-related loading/unloading timespan to route time/cost (location-related time should be added to C): .tL = loading timespan = 0, default .tU = unloading timespan = 0, default = include to check time window feasibility of route: .tbmin = earliest begin time = -Inf, default .tbmax = latest begin time = Inf, default .temin = earliest end time = -Inf, default .temax = latest end time = Inf, default C = n x n matrix of costs between n locations tr = (optional) structure with fields: .b = beginning location of truck = loc(1), default .e = ending location of truck = loc(end), default = include to check capacity feasibility of route: .Kwt = weight capacity of trailer (tons) = Inf, default .Kcu = cube capacity of trailer (ft^3) = Inf, default = include to check max TC feasibility of route: .maxTC = maximum route TC = include to check time window feasibility of truck: .tbmin = earliest begin time = -Inf, default .tbmax = latest begin time = Inf, default .temin = earliest end time = -Inf, default .temax = latest end time = Inf, default TC(i) = total cost of route i = sum of C and, if specified, tL and tU = Inf if route i is infeasible XFlg(i) = exitflag for route i = 1, if route is feasible = -1, if degenerate location vector for route (see RTE2LOC) = -2, if infeasible due to excess weight = -3, if infeasible due to excess cube = -4, if infeasible due to exceeding max TC (TC(i) > tr.maxTC) = -5, if infeasible due to time window violation out = m-element struct array of outputs out(i) = output structure with fields: .Rte = route, with 0 at begin/end if truck locations provided .Loc = location sequence .Cost = cost (drive timespan) from location j-1 to j, Cost(j) = C(j-1,j) and Cost(1) = 0 .Arrive = time of arrival .Wait = wait timespan if arrival prior to beginning of window .TWmin = beginning of time window (earliest time) .Start = time loading/unloading started (starting time for route is Start(1)) .LU = loading/unloading timespan .Depart = time of departure (finishing time is Depart(end)) .TWmax = end of time window (latest time) .Total = total timespan from departing loc j-1 to depart. loc j (= drive + wait + loading/unloading timespan) Note, costs C(i,i) ignored for same-location portions of route Example 1: rte = [1 2 2 1]; sh = struct('b',{1,2},'e',{3,4}); C = triu(magic(4),1); C = C + C' % C = 0 2 3 13 % 2 0 10 8 % 3 10 0 12 % 13 8 12 0 TC = rteTC(rte,sh,C) % TC = 22 Example 2: Time Windows sh = vec2struct('b',[2:4],'e',1,'tbmin',[8 12 15],'tbmax',[11 14 18]); tr = struct('b',1,'e',1,'tbmin',6,'tbmax',18,'temin',18,'temax',24); C = [0 1 0 0; 0 0 2 0; 0 0 0 1; 1 0 0 0]; rte = [1:3 (1:3)]; [TC,Xflg,out] = rteTC(rte,sh,C,tr) % TC = 8 % Xflg = 1 % out = Rte: [0 1 2 3 1 2 3 0] % Loc: [1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1] % Cost: [0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0] % Arrive: [0 11 13 14 16 18 18 18] % Wait: [0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0] % TWmin: [6 8 12 15 18 18 18 18] % Start: [10 11 13 15 18 18 18 18] % LU: [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] % Depart: [10 11 13 15 18 18 18 18] % TWmax: [18 11 14 18 24 24 24 24] % Total: [0 1 2 2 3 0 0 0]
Savings procedure for route construction
[rte,TC] = savings(rteTC_h,sh,IJS,dodisp) = savings(rteTC_h,sh,IJS,prte_h) rteTC_h = handle to route total cost function, rteTC_h(rte) sh = structure array with fields: .b = beginning location of shipment .e = ending location of shipment IJS = 3-column savings list = pairwisesavings(rteTC_h) dodisp = display intermediate results = false, default prte_h = handle to route plotting function, prte_h(rte) (dodisp = true when handle input) rte = route vector = m-element cell array of m route vectors TC(i) = total cost of route i
Display structure vector with all scalar field values
sdisp(s) M = sdisp(s) % Return matrix of values = sdisp(s,dotranspose) % Transpose array, where by default = true if % number of shipments is less than three times % the number of fields = sdisp(s,[],rowtitle,fracdig,allfrac,isnosep) % Pass inputs to MDISP s = structure array Note: If field 'idx' in structure, then idx values used as row headings Example: s = vec2struct('a',[1 2],'b',[3 4]); sdisp(s) % s: a b % -:------ % 1: 1 3 % 2: 2 4
Steepest Descent Pairwise Interchange Heuristic for QAP
[TC,a] = sdpi(W,D,a0,C,XY) m = number of machines and sites W = m x m machine-machine weight matrix D = m x m site-site distance matrix a0 = m-element initial assignment vector (optional) = [], generate random initial assignment using RANDPERM(m) = if 'a0' is scalar, then perform 'a0' different runs and report best solution found C = m x m machine-site fixed cost matrix (optional), where C(i,j) is the fixed cost of assigning Machine i to Site j XY = m x 2 matrix of 2-D site locations to generate plots (optional)
Compute position of points along a 2-D spacefilling curve
theta = sfcpos(X,Y,k) X,Y = single point in the unit square, or = multiple 2-D points that will be scaled to the unit square (single points must be in the unit square and are not scaled) k = (optional) number of binary digits of X and Y to take into account when computing theta to 2k binary digits (= 8, default) (Based on algorithm in J.J. Bartholdi and L.K. Platzman, Management Sci., 34(3):291-305, 1988)
Create routes for shipments not in existing routes
[rte,idx1,TC] = sh2rte(idx,rte,rteTC_h) = sh2rte(sh,rte,rteTC_h) idx = index vector of shipments sh = structure array of shipments (used just to create idx = 1:length(sh)) rte = (optional) existing routes = [], default = m-element cell array of m route vectors rteTC_h = (optional) handle to route total cost function used to display results to command window if shipments added idx1 = index vector of single-shipment routes created TC = route total cost (only provided if rteTC_h input)
Remove non-scalar values from structure vector
s = struct2scalar(s) Removes all fields from stucture that are not real or logical scalars
SUB Create subarray
sub(x,is) % Output as 'ans' sub(x1,x2,...,is) % Output same name subarray in base workspace [sx1,...] = sub(x1,...,is) % Output subarrays sx = sub(x,'# < .5') % Match # to x and evaluate result = sub(x,'#(:,1)') % Extract first column of x is = logical array used to create subarrays
Create subgraph from graph
[sXY,sIJC,sisXY,sisIJC] = subgraph(XY,isXY,IJC,isIJC) psisIJC = subgraph(XY,isXY,IJC) % Partial arcs XY = m x 2 matrix of node coordinates isXY = m-element logical vector of node subgraph elements IJC = n-row matrix arc list isIJC = n-element logical vector of arc subgraph elements sXY = nodes of subgraph sIJC = arcs of subgraph (with endpoints renumbered to correspond to sXY) sisXY = m-element logical vector of node subgraph elements (returns index vector if isXY is an index vector) sisIJC = n-element logical vector of arc subgraph elements (returns index vector if isIJC is an index vector) pisIJC = logical vector of partial arc elements, if isIJC empty ("partial arcs" are arcs with only one node in XY) Examples: % 7-node graph XY = [0 0 1 1 1 -1 2 0 3 1 3 -1 4 0] IJC = [1 -2 12 1 -3 13 2 -4 24 2 -5 25 3 -4 34 3 -6 36 4 -5 45 4 -6 46 5 -7 57 6 -7 67] isXY = logical([0 1 1 1 1 1 0])' % Nodes 2 through 6 isIJC = logical([1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1])' % Exterior arcs not connected to % node 4 [sXY,sIJC,sisXY,sisIJC] = subgraph(XY,isXY,IJC,isIJC) % sXY = 1 1 % 1 -1 % 3 1 % 3 -1 % sIJC = 1 -3 25 % 2 -4 36 % sisXY' = 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 % sisIJC' = 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 pisIJC = subgraph(XY,isXY,IJC) % pisIJC' = 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 % Partial arcs % North Carolina (FIPS code 37) Interstate highways (Type 'I') [XY,IJD,isXY,isIJD]=subgraph(usrdnode('XY'),usrdnode('NodeFIPS')==37,... usrdlink('IJD'),usrdlink('Type')=='I'); s = usrdlink(isIJD); % Link data structure makemap(XY) pplot(IJD,XY,'r-') Other functions named subgraph digraph/subgraph graph/subgraph
Extract subset of each field of a structure
s2 = subsetstruct(s1,is) s1 = full structure is = n-element logical vector of field elements to extract, where n is size of dimension to use for extraction (max of 2 dimensions, and extracts first dimension if size of both dim are same--use function twice in succession in this case) = if index vector, converted to n-element logical vector assuming maximum dimension of first field as size n (use logical vector if this is not the case) s2 = sub structure
Determine total cost TC = W*DISTS(X,P,p) + V*DISTS(X,X,p)
[TC,dF] = sumcost(X,P,W,p,V,e,h) X = n x d matrix of n d-dimensional points P = m x d matrix of m d-dimensional points W = n x m matrix of X-P weights = m-element vector of weights applied to each X(i,:), if V == [] = ones(1,m) (default), if V == [] p = distance parameter for DISTS V = n x n matrix of X-X weights (all elements of V used in TC) = [] (default) e = epsilon parameter for DISTS h = handle of axes to plot each X (see opt IterPlot in MINISUMLOC) TC = scalar, if W is matrix = n x 1 vector, if W is vector dF = n x d gradient matrix Examples: x = [1 1], P = [0 0;2 0;2 3], w = [1 2 1] TC = sumcost(x,P,w,1) % TC = 9 X = [1 1;2 1] TC = sumcost(X,P,w,2) % TC = 9 7 W = [0 2 1;3 2 0], V = [0 1;0 0] TC = sumcost(X,P,W,1,V) % TC = 19
Thin degree-two nodes from graph
[tIJC,idxIJC] = thin(IJC) IJC = n-row matrix arc list of original graph tIJC = tn-row matrix arc list of thinned graph idxIJC = tn-element cell array, where idxIJC{i} is an index array of arcs in IJC that comprise arc [tIJC(i,1) tIJC(i,2)] Note: Any directed arcs in IJC are converted to undirected arcs. Returns empty tIJC if all of the nodes are thinned. Examples: % 9-node graph XY = [3 5; 2 4; 5 4; 4 3; 0 4; 0 2; 2 2; 4 2; 3 1]; IJC = [1 -2 12; 1 -3 13; 2 -4 24; 3 -4 34; 2 -5 25; 4 -5 45; 2 -6 26; 5 -7 57; 6 -7 67; 4 -8 48; 5 -8 58; 7 -9 79; 8 -9 89] [tIJC,idxIJC] = thin(IJC); tIJC, idxIJC{:} pplot pplot(tIJC,XY,'y-','LineWidth',4) pplot(XY,'b.') pplot(IJC,XY,'b-') pplot(XY,'NumNode') [tXY,stIJC] = subgraph(XY,[],tIJC) % Determine thinned XY and % re-number nodes in tIJC pplot(tXY,'NumNode','MarkerEdgeColor','r') % Re-label nodes in plot % Thin North Carolina Interstate highways [XY,IJD]=subgraph(usrdnode('XY'),usrdnode('NodeFIPS')==37,... usrdlink('IJD'),usrdlink('Type')=='I'); [tIJD,idxIJD] = thin(IJD); makemap(XY) pplot(tIJD,XY,'y-','LineWidth',3) pplot(IJD,XY,'r-') [tXY,stIJD] = subgraph(XY,[],tIJD) % Determine thinned XY and % re-number nodes in tIJD
Calculate total logistics cost
[TLC,TC,IC] = totlogcost(q,c,sh) q = single shipment weight (tons) c = transport charge ($ per shipment) sh = structure array with required fields: .f = annual demand (tons/yr) .a = inventory 0-D fraction .v = shipment value ($/ton) .h = annual holding cost fraction (1/yr) TLC = minimum total logistics cost ($/yr) = TC + IC TC = transport cost ($/yr) = c*f/q IC = cycle inventory cost ($/yr) = q*a*v*h
Transportation and assignment problems
[F,TC] = trans(C,s,d), transportation problem = trans(C), assignment problem C = m x n matrix of costs s = m-element vector of supplies = [1], default d = n-element vector of demands = [1], default F = m x n matrix of flows TC = total cost Example: C = [8 6 10 9; 9 12 13 7;14 9 16 5]; dem = [45 20 30 30]; sup = [55 50 40]; [F,TC] = trans(C,sup,dem) % F = % 5 20 30 0 % 40 0 0 0 % 0 0 0 30 % TC = % 970 Note: LINPROG is used as the LP solver
Transport charge for TL and LTL
[c,isLTL,cTL,cLTL] = transcharge(q,sh,tr,ppiLTL) % min of TL and LTL = transcharge(q,sh,tr) % only TL = transcharge(q,sh,[],ppiLTL) % only LTL q = single shipment weight (tons) sh = structure array with required fields: .s = shipment density (lb/ft^3) .d = shipment distance (mi) tr = structure with fields: .r = transport rate ($/mi) .Kwt = weight capacity of trailer (tons) = Inf, default .Kcu = cube capacity of trailer (ft^3) = Inf, default .ppiTL = TL Producer Price Index = 102.7 * (tr.r/2), default where the ratio of tr.r to 2 is used as a PPI approximation since $2 per mile is average tr.r for 2004 and 102.7 is the average TL PPI for 2004 ppiLTL = LTL Producer Price Index = 104.2, default, average 2004 LTL PPI c = transport charge ($ per shipment) = min(max(cTL,MCtl), max(cLTL,MCltl)) = 0, if q = 0 isLTL = logical vector, true if LTL minimizes charge for shipment cTL = TL transport charge ($) cLTL = LTL transport charge ($) Note: The use of ppiTL can be confusing. Using tr.r = $2/mi and expecting it to increase 2*tr.ppiTL/102.7 if tr.ppiTL = 110.9 is input will not work. If you are using a ppi adjusted $2/mi rate, then you should use tr.r = 2* ppiTL/102.7 and then can either not specify tr.ppiTL or use tr.ppiTL = ppiTL. The reason for this is that sometimes a non-53-foot truck is used and tr.r might be $1/mi but ppiTL can still be used to estimate the general truck inflation.
Triangle indices to adjacency matrix representation
A = tri2adj(T) T = n x 3 matrix, where each row defines indices for one of n triangles A = (sparse) m x m adjacency matrix, m is the maximum index value Converts set of triangles defined by X and Y vector indices into A. Useful for ploting results from DELAUNAY triangulation using GPLOT. See also CONVHULL and DSEARCH
Convert triangle indices to arc list representation
IJ = tri2list(T) T = n x 3 matrix, where each row defines indices for one of n triangles IJ = 2-column arc list Converts set of triangles defined by X and Y vector indices into IJ. Useful for ploting results from DELAUNAY triangulation using PPLOT. See also CONVHULL and DSEARCH
Find neighbors of a triangle
N = trineighbors(t,T) t = m-element vector of triangle indices T = n x 3 matrix of node indices, where each row defines node indices for one of n triangles (the result from a DELAUNAY triangulation) N = m x 3 matrix of triangle indices, where each row N(i,:) defines indices of the neighboring triangles of triangle T(i,:) and N(i,j) = NaN, if edge [T(i,j) T(i,j+1)] not shared with any other triangle (e.g., if it is part of the convex hull)
2-optimal exchange procedure for TSP loc seq improvement
[loc,TC] = tsp2opt(loc,C,cap,twin,locfeas,h) loc = vector of single-seq vertices, where loc(1) = loc(end) (loc seq can be infeasible) = m-element cell array of m loc seqs C = n x n matrix of costs between n vertices cap = {q,Q} = cell array of capacity arguments, where q = n-element vector of vertex demands, with depot q(1) = 0 Q = maximum loc seq load twin = {ld,TW} = cell array of time window arguments ld = 1, n, or (n+1)-element vector of load/unload timespans TW = n or (n+1) x 2 matrix of time windows = (n+1)-element cell array, if multiple windows locfeas = {'locfeasfun',P1,P2,...} = cell array specifying user-defined function to test the feasibility of a single loc seq h = (optional) handle to vertex plot, e.g., h = PPLOT(XY,'.'); use 'Set Pause Time' on figure's Matlog menu to pause plot TC = m-element vector of loc seq costs See LOCTC for information about the input parameters Note: Also checks reverse of loc seq for improvement in addition to two- edge exchanges Example: vrpnc1 C = dists(XY,XY,2); h = pplot(XY,'r.'); rand('state',100) loc = [1 randperm(size(XY,1)-1)+1 1]; [loc,TC] = tsp2opt(loc,C,[],[],[],h); pplot({loc},XY,num2cellstr(1:size(XY,1)))
Convex hull insertion algorithm for TSP loc seq construction
loc = tspchinsert(XY,h) XY = n x 2 matrix of vertex cooridinates h = (optional) handle to vertex plot, e.g., h = PPLOT(XY,'.'); use 'Set Pause Time' on figure's Matlog menu to pause plot loc = (n + 1)-vector of vertices (a.k.a. the Vacuum Bag Algorithm) Example: vrpnc1 h = pplot(XY,'r.'); pplot(XY,num2cell(1:size(XY,1))) loc = tspchinsert(XY,h); TD = locTC(loc,dists(XY,XY,2))
Nearest neighbor algorithm for TSP loc seq construction
[loc,TC,bestvtx] = tspnneighbor(C,initvtx,h) C = n x n matrix of costs between n vertices initvtx = [] (default) determine NN loc seq for all vertices and report best = initial vertex (or vertices) of loc seq h = (optional) handle to vertex plot, e.g., h = PPLOT(XY,'.'); use 'Set Pause Time' on figure's Matlog menu to pause plot loc = (n + 1)-vector of vertices, best loc seq if initvtx = [] TC = total cost of loc seq, including C(n,1) bestvtx = vertex corresponding to minimum TC found Examples: vrpnc1 C = dists(XY,XY,2); h = pplot(XY,'r.'); pplot(XY,num2cell(1:size(XY,1))) [loc,TC] = tspnneighbor(C,1,h); TC % Initial Vertex 1 [loc,TC,bestvtx] = tspnneighbor(C,[],h); TC, bestvtx % All vertices
Spacefilling curve algorithm for TSP loc seq construction
loc = tspspfillcur(XY,k) XY = n x 2 matrix of vertex cooridinates k = (optional) no. of binary digits to use in SFCPOS (= 8, default) loc = (n + 1)-vector of vertices (Based on algorithm in J.J. Bartholdi and L.K. Platzman, Management Sci., 34(3):291-305, 1988) Example: vrpnc1 loc = tspspfillcur(XY); TD = locTC(loc,dists(XY,XY,2)) h = pplot(XY,'r.'); pplot(XY,num2cell(1:size(XY,1))) pplot({loc},XY,'g')
2-optimal exchange procedure for route improvement
[rte,TC] = twoopt(rtein,rteTC_h,dodisp) = twoopt(rtein,rteTC_h,prte_h) rte = route vector = m-element cell array of m route vectors rteTC_h = handle to route total cost function, rteTC_h(rte) dodisp = display intermediate results = false, default prte_h = handle to route plotting function, prte_h(rte) (dodisp = true when handle input) TC(i) = total cost of route i
Hybrid algorithm for uncapacitated facility location
[y,TC,X] = ufl(k,C), = ufl(k,C,dodisp), display intermediate results k = n-element fixed cost vector, where k(i) is cost of NF at Site i (if scalar, then same fixed cost) C = n x m variable cost matrix, where C(i,j) is the cost of serving EF j from NF i dodisp = true, default y = NF site index vector TC = total cost = sum(k(y)) + sum(sum(C(X))) X = n x m logical matrix, where X(i,j) = 1 if EF j allocated to NF i Example (Example 8.8 in Francis, Fac Layout and Loc, 2nd ed.): k = [8 8 10 8 9 8] C = [0 3 7 10 6 4 3 0 4 7 6 7 7 4 0 3 6 8 10 7 3 0 7 8 6 6 6 7 0 2 4 7 8 8 2 0] [y,TC,X] = ufl(k,C); y,TC,full(X) Based on Fig. 7.6 in M.S. Daskin, Network abd Discrete Location, 1995
Add construction procedure for uncapacitated facility location
[y,TC,X] = ufladd(k,C) = ufladd(k,C,y), add to NFs at sites in y = ufladd(k,C,y,p), add exactly p NFs k = n-element fixed cost vector, where k(i) is cost of NF at Site i (if scalar, then same fixed cost) C = n x m variable cost matrix, where C(i,j) is the cost of serving EF j from NF i y = NF site index vector p = fixed number of NFs to locate TC = total cost = sum(k(y)) + sum(sum(C(X))) X = n x m logical matrix, where X(i,j) = 1 if EF j allocated to NF i Example (Example 8.8 in Francis, Fac Layout and Loc, 2nd ed.): k = [8 8 10 8 9 8] C = [0 3 7 10 6 4 3 0 4 7 6 7 7 4 0 3 6 8 10 7 3 0 7 8 6 6 6 7 0 2 4 7 8 8 2 0] [y,TC,X] = ufladd(k,C); y,TC,full(X) [y,TC,X] = ufladd(k,C,4:5); y,TC,full(X) % Add to NFs at sites 4 and 5 Based on Fig. 7.2 in M.S. Daskin, Network abd Discrete Location, 1995
Drop construction procedure for uncapacitated facility location
[y,TC,X] = ufldrop(k,C) = ufldrop(k,C,y), drop only from sites in y = ufldrop(k,C,y,p), drop to exactly p NFs k = n-element fixed cost vector, where k(i) is cost of NF at Site i (if scalar, then same fixed cost) C = n x m variable cost matrix, where C(i,j) is the cost of serving EF j from NF i p = fixed number of NFs to locate y = NF site index vector TC = total cost = sum(k(y)) + sum(sum(C(X))) X = n x m logical matrix, where X(i,j) = 1 if EF j allocated to NF i Example (Example 8.8 in Francis, Fac Layout and Loc, 2nd ed.): k = [8 8 10 8 9 8] C = [0 3 7 10 6 4 3 0 4 7 6 7 7 4 0 3 6 8 10 7 3 0 7 8 6 6 6 7 0 2 4 7 8 8 2 0] [y,TC,X] = ufldrop(k,C); y,TC,full(X) [y,TC,X] = ufldrop(k,C,3:6); y,TC,full(X) % Drop only from sites 3 to 6 Based on Fig. 7.3 in M.S. Daskin, Network abd Discrete Location, 1995
Exchange best improvement procedure for uncap
facility location. [y,TC,X] = uflxchg(k,C,y) k = n-element fixed cost vector, where k(i) is cost of NF at Site i (if scalar, then same fixed cost) C = n x m variable cost matrix, where C(i,j) is the cost of serving EF j from NF i y = NF site index vector TC = total cost = sum(k(y)) + sum(sum(C(X))) X = n x m logical matrix, where X(i,j) = 1 if EF j allocated to NF i Example (Example 8.8 in Francis, Fac Layout and Loc, 2nd ed.): k = [8 8 10 8 9 8] C = [0 3 7 10 6 4 3 0 4 7 6 7 7 4 0 3 6 8 10 7 3 0 7 8 6 6 6 7 0 2 4 7 8 8 2 0] [y,TC,X] = ufladd(k,C); y,TC,full(X) [y,TC,X] = uflxchg(k,C,y); y,TC,full(X) Based on Fig. 7.5 in M.S. Daskin, Network and Discrete Location, 1995
US census block group data
s = uscenblkgrp Output all variables as structure 's' [x1,x2] = uscenblkgrp Output only first 1, 2, etc., variables s = uscenblkgrp('x',...) Output only variables 'x', ... as str. 's' [x,...] = uscenblkgrp('x',...) Output variables 'x', ... as variables = uscenblkgrp(...,is) Output subset x(is) using SUBSETSTUCT(s,is) where 'is' is vector of elements to extract Loads data file "uscenblkgrp.mat" that contain the following variables: ST = m-element cell array of m 2-char state abbreviations XY = m x 2 matrix of block-group pop center lon-lat (in dec deg) Pop = m-element vector of total population estimates (2010) LandArea = m-element vector of land area (square miles) WaterArea = m-element vector of water area (square miles) SCfips = m-element vector of state and 3-digit county FIPS codes TractBlkGrp = m-element vector of tract and 1-digit block-group codes, where the block-group code is the leftmost digit of the 4-digit block codes of the blocks that comprise the group Example: Plot all census tracts in Raleigh-Durham-Cary, NC % Combined Statistical Area [SCfips,Name,str] = uscounty('SCfips','Name','CSAtitle',... mor({'raleigh'},uscounty('CSAtitle'))); str = [str{1} ' CSA']; mdisp(SCfips',Name,{'SCfips'},str) x = uscenblkgrp(mor(SCfips,uscenblkgrp('SCfips'))); makemap(x.XY), pplot(x.XY,'r.'), title(str) % % Raleigh-Durham-Cary, NC CSA: SCfips % ---------------------------:-------- % Chatham: 37,037 % Durham: 37,063 % Franklin: 37,069 % Granville: 37,077 % Johnston: 37,101 % Orange: 37,135 % Person: 37,145 % Vance: 37,181 % Wake: 37,183 Sources: [1] (file: .../blkgrp/CenPop2010_Mean_BG.txt) [2] (all files in: ...2010census/t00t10.html) Block-group data derived from US Census Bureau's 2010 Census Centers of Population by Census Block Group data (file [1]) and Census 2000 Tabulation Block to 2010 Census Tabulation Block data (files in [2]). File [1] used for ST, XY, Pop, SCfips, and TractBlkGrp, where ST is converted to alpha from numeric FIPS codes using FIPSNUM2ALPHA. Files in [2] used for LandArea and WaterArea.
US cities data
s = uscity Output all variables as structure 's' [x1,x2] = uscity Output only first 1, 2, etc., variables s = uscity('x',...) Output only variables 'x', ... as struct. 's' [x,...] = uscity('x',...) Output variables 'x', ... as variables = uscity(...,is) Output subset 'x(is)' using SUBSETSTUCT(s,is) where 'is' is vector of elements to extract Loads data file "uscity.mat" that contain the following variables: Name = m-element cell array of m city name strings ST = m-element cell array of m 2-char state abbreviations XY = m x 2 matrix of city lon-lat (in decimal deg) Pop = m-element vector of total population estimates (2010) House = m-element vector of total housing units (2010) LandArea = m-element vector of land area (square miles) WaterArea = m-element vector of water area (square miles) StatePlaceFIPS = m-element vector of state and place FIPS codes PlaceType = m-element cell array of m place type strings Example 1: Extract name of all cities in North Carolina NCcity = uscity('Name',strcmp('NC',uscity('ST'))) % NCcity = 'Aberdeen' % ... % 'Zebulon' Example 2: Find Find the lon-lat of Gainesville, FL and Raleigh, NC XY = uscity('XY',mand({'Gainesville','Raleigh'},uscity('Name'),... {'FL','NC'},uscity('ST'))) % XY = % -82.3459 29.6788 % -78.6414 35.8302% Sources: [1] (file: .../gazetteer/files/Gaz_places_national.txt) [2] (file: .../zcta_rel/zcta_place_rel_10.txt) File [1] contains data for all incorporated places and census designated places (CDPs) in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as of the January 1, 2010. File [2] used for Pop and House fields, and File [1] for all other fields.
US cities with populations of at least 10,000 data
s = uscity10k Output all variables as structure 's' [x1,x2] = uscity10k Output only first 1, 2, etc., variables s = uscity10k('x',...) Output only variables 'x', ... as struct. 's' [x,...] = uscity10k('x',...) Output variables 'x', ... as variables = uscity10k(...,is) Output subset 'x(is)' using SUBSETSTUCT(s,is) where 'is' is vector of elements to extract Loads data file "uscity10k.mat" that contain the following variables: Name = m-element cell array of m city name strings ST = m-element cell array of m 2-char state abbreviations XY = m x 2 matrix of city lon-lat (in decimal deg) Pop = m-element vector of total population estimates (2010) Example: Extract name of all cities in North Carolina with populations greater than 10,000 NCcity = uscity10k('Name',strcmp('NC',uscity10k('ST'))) % NCcity = 'Albemarle' % ... % 'Winston-Salem' (Subset of USCITY) Sources: [1] (file: .../gazetteer/files/Gaz_places_national.txt) [2] (file: .../zcta_rel/zcta_place_rel_10.txt) File [1] contains data for all incorporated places and census designated places (CDPs) in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as of the January 1, 2010. File [2] used for Pop field, and File [1] for all other fields.
US cities with populations of at least 50,000 data
s = uscity50k Output all variables as structure 's' [x1,x2] = uscity50k Output only first 1, 2, etc., variables s = uscity50k('x',...) Output only variables 'x', ... as struct. 's' [x,...] = uscity50k('x',...) Output variables 'x', ... as variables = uscity50k(...,is) Output subset 'x(is)' using SUBSETSTUCT(s,is) where 'is' is vector of elements to extract Loads data file "uscity50k.mat" that contain the following variables: Name = m-element cell array of m city name strings ST = m-element cell array of m 2-char state abbreviations XY = m x 2 matrix of city lon-lat (in decimal deg) Pop = m-element vector of total population estimates (2010) Example: Extract name of all cities in North Carolina with populations greater than 50,000 NCcity = uscity50k('Name',strcmp('NC',uscity50k('ST'))) % NCcity = 'Asheville' % ... % 'Winston-Salem' (Subset of USCITY) Sources: [1] (file: .../gazetteer/files/Gaz_places_national.txt) [2] (file: .../zcta_rel/zcta_place_rel_10.txt) File [1] contains data for all incorporated places and census designated places (CDPs) in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as of the January 1, 2010. File [2] used for Pop field, and File [1] for all other fields.
US county data
s = uscounty Output all variables as structure 's' [x1,x2] = uscounty Output only first 1, 2, etc., variables s = uscounty('x',...) Output only variables 'x', ... as str. 's' [x,...] = uscounty('x',...) Output variables 'x', ... as variables = uscounty(...,is) Output subset x(is) using SUBSETSTUCT(s,is) where 'is' is vector of elements to extract Loads data file "uscounty.mat" that contain the following variables: SCfips = m-element vector of state and 3-digit county FIPS codes Name = m-element cell array of county names ST = m-element cell array of m 2-char state abbreviations XY = m x 2 matrix of county pop center lon-lat (in dec deg) Pop = m-element vector of total population estimates (2010) LandArea = m-element vector of land area (square miles) WaterArea = m-element vector of water area (square miles) CBSAcode = m-element vector of CBSA Code MetroDivCode = m-element vector of Metropolitan Division Code CSAcode = m-element vector of CSA Code CBSAtitle = m-element cell array of CBSA Title Metro_MicroSA = m-element cell array of Metropolitan/Micropolitan Statistical Area MetroDivTitle = m-element cell array of Metropolitan Division Title CSAtitle = m-element cell array of CSA Title Central_Outly = m-element cell array of Central/Outlying County Example: Plot all counties in California CA = uscounty(mor('CA',uscounty('ST'))) % CA = % SCfips: [1x58 double] % Name: {1x58 cell} % ST: {1x58 cell} % XY: [58x2 double] % Pop: [1x58 double] % LandArea: [1x58 double] % WaterArea: [1x58 double] % CBSAcode: [1x58 double] % MetroDivCode: [1x58 double] % CSAcode: [1x58 double] % CBSAtitle: {1x58 cell} % Metro_MicroSA: {1x58 cell} % MetroDivTitle: {1x58 cell} % CSAtitle: {1x58 cell} % Central_Outly: {1x58 cell} makemap(CA.XY) pplot(CA.XY,'r.') pplot(CA.XY,CA.Name) XY, Pop, LandArea, and WaterArea for each county derived from US census block group data in USCENBLKGRP. County Name, ST, and SCfips from CBSAs, Metropolitan Divisions, and CSAs data from geographies/reference-files/time-series/demo/metro-micro/delineation- files.html and https: micro/geographies/reference-files/2020/delineation-files/list1_2020.xls
US highway network links data
s = usrdlink Output all variables as structure 's' [x1,x2] = usrdlink Output only first 1, 2, etc., variables s = usrdlink('x',...) Output only variables 'x', ... as struct 's' [x,...] = usrdlink('x',...) Output variables 'x', ... as variables = usrdlink(...,is) Output subset 'x(is)' using SUBSETSTUCT(s,is) where 'is' is vector of elements to extract Based on Oak Ridge National Highway Network, which contains approximately 500,000 miles of roadway in US, Canada, and Mexico, including virtually all rural arterials and urban principal arterials in the US. It includes a large attribute set relevant to routing. Version used (hp80) last updated Jan 2008. Loads data file "usrdlink.mat" that contain the following variables: IJD = n x 3 matrix arc list [i j c] of link heads, tails, and distances (in miles) LinkFIPS = n-element vector of link state FIPS code, where no individual link crosses a state boundary (see USRDNODE for FIPS codes) Type = n-element char vector, where I - Interstate U - US route S - State route T - Secondary state route J - Interstate related route (business route, ramps) C - County route number or name L - Local road name P - Parkway R - Inventory route number (not normally posted) V - Federal reservation road Used in national parks and forests, and Indian and military reservation "-" - (dash) Continuation of local road name from previous LinkTag = n x 5 char array of route numbers, with qualifiers N, S, E, W - Directional qualifiers used to distinguish between distinct mainline routes, not to indicate direction of travel on divided highways or couplets A - Alternate BR - Business route or business loop BY - Bypass SP - Spur LP - Loop RM - Ramp FR - Frontage road PR - Proposed T - Temporary TR - Truck route Y - Wye Heading = n-element char vector of travel directions N, S, E, or W Urban = n-element char vector of flags indicating subjective judgement about degree of urban congestion, where U - Urban V - Urban bypasses (usually circumferential routes) S - Small urban or towns T - Partially urban; that is, part of the link is subject to congestion effects limiting speed (links having 0.5 miles subject to urban speed reduction) X - In urban area, but attributes and topology unchecked Median = n-element char vector, where M - Divided highway (with median) C - Undivided (ie, "centerline") F - Ferry Access_control = n-element char vector, where U - Uncontrolled access G - Partial control access (some at-grade intersections) I - Fully controlled access (all intersections are grade separated interchanges) F - Ferry Number_lanes = n-element vector, usually either 2 or 4, representing all multilane roads (reported as 0 for ferries) Traffic_restrict = n-element char vector, where (in order of priority) Z - No vehicles (generally a passenger ferry) P - Closed to public use C - Commercial traffic prohibited H - Hazardous materials prohibited T - Large trucks prohibited Q - Occasionally closed to public L - Local commercial traffic only W - Normally closed in winter Toll = n-element char vector, where T - Toll road B - Link contains a toll bridge (or tunnel) F - Free passage (roads not flagged can be assumed toll free, but ferries are uncertain unless marked) Truck_route = n-element char vector, where A - State designated route for STAA-dimensioned vehicles (the "Staggers act" National Network) B - Federally designated National Network routes for large commercial vehicles (subset of State routes) C - While nominally Federally designated route, may be construction-related restrictions for long period Major_hwy = n-element vector, integer represents 4-digit bit field 1 - Major highways subsystem 2 - Major highways exclusion 3 - 16-ft route flag (not in public version) 4 - Tunnel flag Pavement = n-element char vector, where P - Paved Q - Secondary paved (through traffic discouraged) G - Gravel, or otherwise below paved quality D - Dirt or unimproved F - Ferry Admin_class = n-element char vector, where I - Federal-Aid Interstate P - Federal-Aid Primary S - Federal-Aid Secondary U - Federal-Aid Urban T - Combination of "S" and "U" N - Not on a Federal-Aid system F - Direct Federal system J - Ramps, connecting roadways, collector/ distributors administratively related to the Interstate system, but not part of Interstate mainline mileage Q - Auxiliary roadways related to non-Interstate primary routes Function_class = n x 2 char array of functional class identifier, where Rural Urban 01 - Interstate 11 - Interstate 02 - Principal arterial 12 - Other expressway 13 - 14 - Principal arterial 05 - Major arterial 15 - 06 - Minor arterial 16 - Minor arterial 07 - Major collector 17 - Collector 08 - Minor collector 09 - Local 19 - Local Combination _1 - 01 & 11 _2 - 02 & 12 _3 - 02 & 14 _4 - 06 & 12 05 & 14 _5 - 06 & 14 _6 - 06 & 16 07 & 14 _7 - 07 & 16 07 & 17 Future_fun_class = n-element char vector containing trailing digit of a state proposed re- classification of the roadway Special_systems = n-element vector, where 2 - ILS Roadways part of FHWA/HEP Illustrative Syst. 3 - Trans-America Corridor 4 - NHS High Priority Corridor Status = n-element char vector of O - Open to traffic U - Under construction P - Proposed X - Speculative See USRDNODE for the nodes in the network (Above description adapted from the more detailed description available at Derived from Source: Oak Ridge National Highway Network
US highway network nodes data
s = usrdnode Output all variables as structure 's' [x1,x2] = usrdnode Output only first 1, 2, etc., variables s = usrdnode('x',...) Output only variables 'x', ... as struct. 's' [x,...] = usrdnode('x',...) Output variables 'x', ... as variables = usrdnode(...,is) Output subset 'x(is)' using SUBSETSTUCT(s,is) where 'is' is vector of elements to extract Based on Oak Ridge National Highway Network, which contains approximately 500,000 miles of roadway in US, Canada, and Mexico, including virtually all rural arterials and urban principal arterials in the US. It includes a large attribute set relevant to routing. Version used (hp80) last updated Jan 2008. Loads data file "usrdnode.mat" that contain the following variables: XY = m x 2 matrix of node lon-lat (in decimal deg) NodeFIPS = m-element vector of node state FIPS codes, where nodes on state and international boundaries are 0, and 1 AL Alabama 22 LA Louisiana 40 OK Oklahoma 2 AK Alaska 23 ME Maine 41 OR Oregon 4 AZ Arizona 24 MD Maryland 42 PA Pennsylvania 5 AR Arkansas 25 MA Massachusetts 44 RI Rhode Island 6 CA California 26 MI Michigan 45 SC South Carolina 8 CO Colorado 27 MN Minnesota 46 SD South Dakota 9 CT Connecticut 28 MS Mississippi 47 TN Tennessee 10 DE Delaware 29 MO Missouri 48 TX Texas 11 DC Dist Columbia 30 MT Montana 49 UT Utah 12 FL Florida 31 NE Nebraska 50 VT Vermont 13 GA Georgia 32 NV Nevada 51 VA Virginia 15 HI Hawaii 33 NH New Hampshire 53 WA Washington 16 ID Idaho 34 NJ New Jersey 54 WV West Virginia 17 IL Illinois 35 NM New Mexico 55 WI Wisconsin 18 IN Indiana 36 NY New York 56 WY Wyoming 19 IA Iowa 37 NC North Carolina 72 PR Puerto Rico 20 KS Kansas 38 ND North Dakota 88 Canada 21 KY Kentucky 39 OH Ohio 91 Mexico NodePostal_abbr = m x 2 char array of m node 2-char state abbreviations (DO NOT USE: Not complete; use NodeFIPS instead) NodeTag = m-element cell array of node names See USRDLINK for the links in the network (Above description adapted from the more detailed description available at Derived from Source: Oak Ridge National Highway Network FIPS Code Source: Federal Information Processing, Standards Publication 5-2, May 28, 1987
US 3-digit ZIP code data
s = uszip3 Output all variables as structure 's' [x1,x2] = uszip3 Output only first 1, 2, etc., variables s = uszip3('x',...) Output only variables 'x', ... as struct. 's' [x,...] = uszip3('x',...) Output variables 'x', ... as variables = uszip3(...,is) Output subset 'x(is)' using SUBSETSTUCT(s,is) where 'is' is vector of elements to extract Loads data file "uszip3.mat" that contain the following variables: Code3 = m-element vector of m 3-digit ZIP (ZCTA) codes XY = m x 2 matrix of population centroid lon-lat (in decimal deg) ST = m-element cell array of m 2-char state abbreviations Pop = m-element vector of total population estimates (2000) House = m-element vector of total housing units (2000) LandArea = m-element vector of land area (square miles) WaterArea = m-element vector of water area (square miles) Example 1: Extract all 3-digit ZIP codes in North Carolina NCzip = uszip3('Code3',strcmp('NC',uszip3('ST'))) % NCzip = 270 % ... % 289 Example 2: 3-digit ZIP codes with population in continental U.S. z = uszip3(~mor({'AK','HI','PR'},uszip3('ST')) & uszip3('Pop') > 0); makemap(z.XY) pplot(z.XY,'g.') Derivation: 3-digit ZIP codes derived from 5-digit codes (see USZIP5) by using the centroid of the 5-digit code regions weighed by their population and, when the 5-digit are in multiple states, the median state as the state. The population, housing, and land and water areas are the sum of the 5-digit values. If all 5-digit codes have zero populations, then each code given equal weight in calculating 3-digit lon-lat. See also USZIP5
US 5-digit ZIP code data
s = uszip5 Output all variables as structure 's' [x1,x2] = uszip5 Output only first 1, 2, etc., variables s = uszip5('x',...) Output only variables 'x', ... as struct. 's' [x,...] = uszip5('x',...) Output variables 'x', ... as variables = uszip5(...,is) Output subset 'x(is)' using SUBSETSTUCT(s,is) where 'is' is vector of elements to extract Loads data file "uszip5.mat" that contain the following variables: Code5 = m-element vector of m 5-digit ZIP (ZCTA) codes XY = m x 2 matrix of lon-lat (in decimal deg) ST = m-element cell array of m 2-char state abbreviations Pop = m-element vector of total population estimates (2010) House = m-element vector of total housing units (2010) LandArea = m-element vector of land area (square miles) WaterArea = m-element vector of water area (square miles) Example 1: Extract all ZIP codes in North Carolina NCzip = uszip5('Code5',strcmp('NC',uszip5('ST'))) % NCzip = 27006 % ... % 28909 Example 2: Find the lon-lat of ZIP codes 27606 and 32606 XY = uszip5('XY',mand([27606 32606],uszip5('Code5'))) % XY = % -78.7155 35.7423 % -82.4441 29.6820 Example 3: 5-digit ZIP codes with population in continental U.S. z = uszip5(~mor({'AK','HI','PR'},uszip5('ST')) & uszip5('Pop') > 0); makemap(z.XY) pplot(z.XY,'g.') Example 4: U.S. 2010 resident population represents the total number of % people in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. USpop = sum(uszip5('Pop',~strcmp('PR',uszip5('ST')))) % USpop = 308739931 Sources: [1] (file: .../gazetteer/files/Gaz_zcta_national.txt) [2] (file: .../zcta_rel/zcta_county_rel_10.txt) [3] (file: ...// ZIP codes derived from the US Census Bureau's ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) files [1] and [2]. These contain data for all 5 digit ZCTAs in the 50 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as of Census 2010. File [1] used for Code5, XY, LandArea, and WaterArea. File [2] used for ST, Pop, and House, where ST is converted to alpha from numeric FIPS codes using FIPSNUM2ALPHA. Field isCUS excludes AK, HI, and PR. Additional ZIP code data taken from [3]. This data includes P.O. Box and Military ZIP codes not in the ZCTA files (these codes do not have population data associated with them. See also USZIP3
Convert input to cell arrays of variable names and values
[name,val] = varnames(varargin) name = cell array of variable names var = cell array of vector values = single vector, if all scalar values Other functions named varnames modelpack/varnames
Display vectors
vdisp(str,doTotal,doAvg) str = string of vector names or expressions that evaluate to a vector doTotal = display column total = false, default doAvg = display column average = false, default Note: Comma's in str used to delimit vectors or expressions. Example: a = ones(2,1); vdisp('a,2*a')
Add each element in vector to field in structure array
s = vec2struct(s,fn,vec) = vec2struct(s,fn1,vec1,fn2,vec2,...) % Add field-vector pairs = vec2struct(fn,vec) % Create new structure s = structure array fn = fieldname vec = vector Example: s = vec2struct('a',[1 2],'b',[3 4]); sdisp(s) % s: a b % -:------ % 1: 1 3 % 2: 2 4
Crossover procedure for VRP improvement
[loc,TC] = vrpcrossover(loc,C,cap,twin,locfeas,h) Portions of two different loc seqs are simultaneousely exchanged; e.g., portion [m+1:end] from loc seq i is exchanged with portion [n+1:end] from loc seq j: loc{i} = [loc{i}(1:m) loc{j}(n+1:end)] loc{j} = [loc{j}(1:n) loc{i}(m+1:end)] loc = m-element cell array of m loc seqs (can be infeasible) C = n x n matrix of costs between n vertices cap = {q,Q} = cell array of capacity arguments, where q = n-element vector of vertex demands, with depot q(1) = 0 Q = maximum loc seq load twin = {ld,TW} = cell array of time window arguments ld = 1, n, or (n+1)-element vector of load/unload timespans TW = n or (n+1) x 2 matrix of time windows = (n+1)-element cell array, if multiple windows locfeas = {'locfeasfun',P1,P2,...} = cell array specifying user-defined function to test the feasibility of a single loc seq h = (optional) handle to vertex plot, e.g., h = PPLOT(XY,'.'); use 'Set Pause Time' on figure's Matlog menu to pause plot TC = m-element vector of loc seq costs See LOCTC for information about the input parameters Example: vrpnc1 % Loads XY, q, Q, ld, and maxTC C = dists(XY,XY,2); h = pplot(XY,'r.'); pplot(XY,num2cellstr(1:size(XY,1))) [loc,TC] = vrpinsert(C,{q,Q},{ld},{'maxTCfeas',maxTC},[]); [loc,TC] = vrpcrossover(loc,C,{q,Q},{ld},{'maxTCfeas',maxTC},h);
Two-vertex exchange procedure for VRP improvement
[loc,TC] = vrpexchange(loc,C,cap,twin,locfeas,h) Two vertices from different loc seqs are simultaneousely exchanged; e.g., vertex m from loc seq i is exchanged with vertex n from loc seq j: loc{i} = [loc{i}(1:m-1) loc{i}(n) loc{i}(m+1:end)] loc{j} = [loc{j}(1:n-1) loc{i}(m) loc{j}(n+1:end)] loc = m-element cell array of m loc seqs (can be infeasible) C = n x n matrix of costs between n vertices cap = {q,Q} = cell array of capacity arguments, where q = n-element vector of vertex demands, with depot q(1) = 0 Q = maximum loc seq load twin = {ld,TW} = cell array of time window arguments ld = 1, n, or (n+1)-element vector of load/unload timespans TW = n or (n+1) x 2 matrix of time windows = (n+1)-element cell array, if multiple windows locfeas = {'locfeasfun',P1,P2,...} = cell array specifying user-defined function to test the feasibility of a single loc seq h = (optional) handle to vertex plot, e.g., h = PPLOT(XY,'.'); use 'Set Pause Time' on figure's Matlog menu to pause plot TC = m-element vector of loc seq costs See LOCTC for information about the input parameters Example: vrpnc1 % Loads XY, q, Q, ld, and maxTC C = dists(XY,XY,2); h = pplot(XY,'r.'); pplot(XY,num2cellstr(1:size(XY,1))) [loc,TC] = vrpinsert(C,{q,Q},{ld},{'maxTCfeas',maxTC},[]); [loc,TC] = vrpexchange(loc,C,{q,Q},{ld},{'maxTCfeas',maxTC},h);
Insertion algorithm for VRP loc seq construction
[loc,TC] = vrpinsert(C,cap,twin,locfeas,idxs,h) [idxs,s] = vrpinsert(C,'seeds') % Output default C = n x n matrix of costs between n vertices cap = {q,Q} = cell array of capacity arguments, where q = n-element vector of vertex demands, with depot q(1) = 0 Q = maximum loc seq load twin = {ld,TW} = cell array of time window arguments ld = 1, n, or (n+1)-element vector of load/unload timespans TW = n or (n+1) x 2 matrix of time windows = (n+1)-element cell array, if multiple windows locfeas = {'locfeasfun',P1,P2,...} = cell array specifying user-defined function to test the feasibility of a single loc seq idxs = n-element of seed indices used to start new loc seqs = (default) indices of vertices furthest from the depot: idxs = fliplr(argsort(max(C(1,1:end),C(1:end,1)'))); h = (optional) handle to vertex plot, e.g., h = PPLOT(XY,'.'); use 'Set Pause Time' on figure's Matlog menu to pause plot s = distance from depot, where s(i) = max(C(1,s(i)),C(s(i),1)) loc = m-element cell array of m loc seqs = (n + 1)-vector of vertices, if single loc seq TC = m-element vector of loc seq costs See LOCTC for information about the input parameters Example: vrpnc1 % Loads XY, q, Q, ld, and maxTC C = dists(XY,XY,2); h = pplot(XY,'r.'); pplot(XY,num2cellstr(1:size(XY,1))) [loc,TC] = vrpinsert(C,{q,Q},{ld},{'maxTCfeas',maxTC},[],h);
Christofiles' VRP problem 1 data
Run vrpnc1 to load into workspace: XY = vertex cooridinates q = vertex demands, with depot q(1) = 0 Q = maximum loc seq load ld = load/unload timespans maxTC = maximum total loc seq cost Best known solution: TC = 524.6, 5 loc seqs TSP: same XY and q data as instance Eil51 in TSPLIB, where TC* = 426 Source: Ref: N. Christofides et al., "The vehicle routing problem," in N. Chrsitofides et al., Eds., Comb. Opt., Wiley, 1979.
Clark-Wright savings algorithm for VRP loc seq construction
[loc,TC] = vrpsavings(C,cap,twin,locfeas,Sij,h) [Sij,s] = vrpsavings(C,'savings') % Output default C = n x n matrix of costs between n vertices cap = {q,Q} = cell array of capacity arguments, where q = n-element vector of vertex demands, with depot q(1) = 0 Q = maximum loc seq load twin = {ld,TW} = cell array of time window arguments ld = 1, n, or (n+1)-element vector of load/unload timespans TW = n or (n+1) x 2 matrix of time windows = (n+1)-element cell array, if multiple windows locfeas = {'locfeasfun',P1,P2,...} = cell array specifying user-defined function to test the feasibility of a single loc seq Sij = 2-column matrix of savings indices [i j] = (default) indices corresponding to savings S(i,j) in non-increasing order, where S(i,j) = C(i,1) + C(1,j) - C(i,j), for i,j = 2:n, i ~= j h = (optional) handle to vertex plot, e.g., h = PPLOT(XY,'.'); use 'Set Pause Time' on figure's Matlog menu to pause plot loc = m-element cell array of m loc seqs TC = m-element vector of loc seq costs s = vector of savings S(i,j) corresponding to Sij See LOCTC for information about the input parameters (Based on G. Clark and J.W. Wright, Oper. Res., 12, 1964, as described in R.C. Larson and A.R. Odoni, Urban Operations Res., Prentice-Hall, 1981.) Example: vrpnc1 % Loads XY, q, Q, ld, and maxTC C = dists(XY,XY,2); h = pplot(XY,'r.'); pplot(XY,num2cellstr(1:size(XY,1))) [loc,TC] = vrpsavings(C,{q,Q},{ld},{'maxTCfeas',maxTC},[],h);
Soloman's VRP with Time Windows problem RC101 data
Run vrpsolrc101 to load into workspace: XY = vertex cooridinates q = vertex demands, with depot q(1) = 0 Q = maximum loc seq load ld = load/unload timespans TW = time windows Best known solution: TC = 1,696.94 (excluding "ld"), 14 loc seqs Source: Ref: M.M. Soloman, "Algorithms for the vehicle routing and scheduling problems with time window constraints," in Oper. Res. 35, 1987.
Gillett-Miller sweep algorithm for VRP loc seq construction
[loc,TC,bestvtx] = vrpsweep(XY,C,cap,twin,locfeas,h) XY = n x 2 matrix of vertex cooridinates C = n x n matrix of costs between n vertices = dists(XY,XY,2), default cap = {q,Q} = cell array of capacity arguments, where q = n-element vector of vertex demands, with depot q(1) = 0 Q = maximum loc seq load twin = {ld,TW} = cell array of time window arguments ld = 1, n, or (n+1)-element vector of load/unload timespans TW = n or (n+1) x 2 matrix of time windows = (n+1)-element cell array, if multiple windows locfeas = {'locfeasfun',P1,P2,...} = cell array specifying user-defined function to test the feasibility of a single loc seq h = (optional) handle to vertex plot, e.g., h = PPLOT(XY,'.'); use 'Set Pause Time' on figure's Matlog menu to pause plot loc = m-element cell array of m loc seqs TC = m-element vector of loc seq costs bestvtx = vertex corresponding to minimum TC found (pos => CW; neg => CCW) See LOCTC for information about the input parameters (Adapted from on B.E. Gillett and L.R. Miller, Oper. Res., 22, 1974.) Example: vrpnc1 % Loads XY, q, Q, ld, and maxTC h = pplot(XY,'r.'); pplot(XY,num2cellstr(1:size(XY,1))) [loc,TC,bvtx] = vrpsweep(XY,[],{q,Q},{ld},{'maxTCfeas',maxTC},h);
Generate output VRP with time windows
[Bars,Labels,s] = vrptwout(out) [Bars,Labels] = vrptwout(out) % Display "s" in command window out = output structure from LOCTC Bars, Labels = inputs for GANTT chart of loc seqs s = output as string with tabs between values so that it can be directly pasted into a spreadsheet (also copied to clipboard) Example: XY = nccity('XY'); XY = XY(dists(XY(1,:),XY,'mi')/35 < 2, :); % Within 2 hours at 35 mph n = size(XY,1); T = dists(XY,XY,'mi')/35; q = [0 10*ones(1,n-1)]; Q = 100; ld = 12/60; rand('state',5538) B = floor(rand(n-1,1)*10)+7; TW = [B B+floor(rand(n-1,1)*4)+1]; TW = [-inf inf;TW;-inf inf]; loc = vrpsavings(T,{q,Q},{ld,TW}); makemap(XY) pplot(XY,'r.') pplot(XY,num2cell(1:n)) pplot(loc,XY,'m') [TC,XFlg,out] = locTC(loc,T,{q,Q},{ld,TW}); [Bars,Labels] = vrptwout(out); figure gantt(Bars) gantt(Bars,Labels)
Weighted binary selection
is = wtbinselect(w,p) w = n-element vector of weights p = scalar probability of selection is = n-element logical vector of selected elements of w If all weights are the same, than probability that w(i) = 1 is "p"; otherwise, probability is p * w(i)/mean(w): is = rand(1,length(w)) < p * w/mean(w) Example 1: p = 0.4 w = [1 2 4 1] rand('state',123) % Only needed to duplicate this example is = wtbinselect(w,p) % is = 1 1 1 0 is = wtbinselect(w,p) % is = 0 0 1 0 is = wtbinselect(w,p) % is = 1 0 1 1 Example 2: Repeat 100 times to compare experimental results to expected p * w/mean(w) and p values for i=1:100, is(i,:) = wtbinselect(w,p); end mean(is) % ans = 0.2000 0.4000 0.8300 0.2100 p * w/mean(w) % ans = 0.2000 0.4000 0.8000 0.2000 % 41% of the elements of w are selected mean(sum(is,2))/length(w) % ans = 0.4100 p % p = 0.4000
Weighted random number
r = wtrand(w0,w1,m,n) = wtrand(w0,w1,[m n]) w0 = scalar nonnegative weight at 0 w1 = scalar nonnegative weight at 1 r = m x n matrix of pseuto-random values between 0 and 1 Calculates the inverse of the power-function distribution, which is a special case of the beta with parameter b = 1: r = rand(m,n) .^ (w0/w1); The mean of r is equal to the centroid of w0 and w1: w1/(w0 + w1). Numbers are uniformly distriuted when w0 = w1. Works for more than a 2-D matrix: r = wtrand(w0,w1,m,n,p,...) Example: w0 = 1; w1 = 2; r = wtrand(w0,w1,1,1000); numeric_mean = mean(r) analytic_mean = w1/(w0 + w1) (The help of Jim Wilson in formulating the procedure used to implement this function is much appreciated.)
Weighted random permutation
idx = wtrandperm(w,n) w = p-element vector of weights n = length of output value (faster to use n if only first n elements of idx are needed and n < length of w) = length of w, default idx = n-element permutation vector, where the probability that idx(1) == i is w(i)/sum(w) See also RANDPERM and WTROUSELECT
Weighted roulette selection
Idx = wtrouselect(w,m,n) w = p-element vector of weights Idx = m x n matrix of random indices between 1 and p, where the probability of selection for each index is proportional to its weight; e.g., w = ones(1,p) => 1/p probability of selection Example: w = [0.5 0.25 0.25] % Half 1's, quarter 2's, and quarter 3's rng(141) % Only needed to duplicate this example Idx = wtrouselect(w,1,12) % Idx = 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 2
XLS2STRUCT Convert Excel database to structure array
s = xls2struct(FILE,SHEET) FILE = spreadsheet file SHEET = worksheet name s = m-element structure array with n fields, corresponding to (m+1) rows and n columns in SHEET, where the first row are the column headings that are converted to structure field names Converts XLSREAD(FILE,SHEET) numeric and text arrays to a structure array. Worksheet should be in a database format, where each column contains all numeric data or all text strings, and each row represents a record. Each text string converted to cell in structure.